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i sigh, slouching down in my seat. observing everyone around the classroom and they're lack of consciousness, this school shit is fucking dumb. I always question why im here when i can be doing soo much more.

"yo, rubi did you hear anything i just said?" my 'friend' Bella asked me, i must've zoned out which i always do when people attempt to make conversations with me. i just don't find it that interesting anymore, people bore me.

"oh um, what.." i sighed, bella loves to put all her issues or problems on me, it's fucking tiring. i already have enough issues of my own. she's never really there when i need her, but I'm always here for her...it's not balanced. i always feel like i have nobody in the end.

"so i found out Landon was fucking with that girl the whole time, can you believe that?" as if for the 100th time her 'boyfriend' who is always cheating on her. It's as if she doesn't having nothing else to talk about, nothing thats important. she knows she's just going to run back to him, i dont see how girls can be so stupid for guys these days.

"oh wow, crazy." i replied dryly, im done with giving her advice and shit because she just doesn't listen. i have to get away from her, she annoys me; everyone do.

"where are you going?" she asks.

"look i just need some time alone," i replied grabbing my bag from my desk "see ya later."

i walked out the classroom without asking to leave, my teacher doesn't really notice much and its almost time for lunch. i put my earphones in my ear and turn my music up high. OKAGA, CA plays and it is really beautiful.
music is fucking great, it's the only thing i feel that really gets me, it seems as if no one else do.

the warmth of the sun comes down on my face, as the wind blows my curls around it is the best feeling.

I eat lunch outside, in my little corner by myself. soo soothing and relaxed. I take out my book from my backpack and sit on the grass by a tree, under the shade. I begin reading.

i hear a noise from behind me, almost scaring me to death making me drop my book an the floor.

"fuck." i said as i looked behind me, it was a boy with a startled expression.

"oh my bad, i didn't mean to scare you." he says as he reaches over and picks my book up and hands it too me, "ahh 'the power of now' by Eckhart tolle. i read that book."

still shocked that this boy is talking to me, because no boy ever does i was struggling to speak. he was so damn beautiful, and i became nervous.

"o-oh yeah, i love this book." i replied looking down, I'm not found of direct eye contact it makes me insecure and uncomfortable.

"why do you sit here all alone?" he questions.

"w-well because i don't really like being around others." i get shy when talking to new people and i always make things awk. WHY tHE FUCK AM I STUTTERING.

"i could understand that," he says as he sits down right next to me, "I'm scott mescudi." he smiles, i observed him. he wore black ripped skinnys, and a Metallica shirt, he had guages and a simple nose ring. he seemed very interesting to me.

"im Rubi." i smiled.


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