Cold Coffee

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The door to Starbucks jingled close as we walked back out into the chill evening air. Byeol was holding an iced vanilla latte in one hand while waving the other around, talking enthusiastically. I silently sipped my dark roast, listening to her carefully.

"See, I understand that he's probably scared about San," She said as we took a small walk around the shopping square (a habit after getting coffee here). "But Yeosang's barely been talking to me at all. It's like he forgot who I am half the time. Or what I mean to him. Woo, are boys always this weird?"

"Oh, come on." I gave her a sour look.

"Sorry, I don't mean it like that," She sighed. "I don't know what's up with him. He's been so distant. Did I do something wrong?"

"You know what Yeosang's father is like, right?" I said. She nodded. "It's probably because of him. Yeosang gets really quiet and distant when under stress so there's probably just something going on at home."

After his mother died when he was eight, Yeosang was brought up by his father. He never got any sort of motherly figure back in his life, but I guess he's gotten used to it. His father used to run a business a while back. It was a pretty big hit, leaving them super rich. But even so, Yeosang is still under the chains of his father who never liked the idea of him going to music college.

I've never met his dad.

I don't think I want to.

"In all honesty... I kind of feel bad sometimes." Byeol mumbled. We passed by a small water fountain where she let her fingers get wet.

"Me too. But we're here for him, right?" I also placed my hand into the water, spraying some in Byeol's face.

"Wooyoung!" She coughed out the old fountain water, glaring at me. I broke into a fit of giggles.

"Not funny." She frowned.

"You're right, you're right... it's too funny!" I laughed, nearly dropping my coffee. Ah, I forget how fun it is to just be with Byeol. Usually it's just me and San, or all of us together, but Byeol and I rarely ever spend time. She's fun.

"Anyways, as I was saying— achoo!" Byeol sneezed suddenly, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Allergies?" I suggested.

"Yeah, probably." She said and we continued walking and sipping our coffee.

"Don't worry about Yeosang too much, okay?" I said after a small silence. "He's probably fine, we just need to give him time to deal with his home problems and friend problems and everything else this world is throwing at us."

"Yeah, you're probably right..." Byeol nodded.

"I know I am," I winked, making her smile.

"C'mon, let's go home." Said Byeol, heading to the parking lot where my car was parked. "It's getting cold."

I quickly downed the last few sips of my coffee and threw away the cup. I bet Byeol still had at least half left in her cup— she's a savor the flavor type. Once we both got into the car, I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the highway. Gosh, I love this car. So smooth.

During the ride, Byeol kept checking her phone for some reason. I tried asking her about it, but she seemed to get really caught off guard.

"Waiting for someone's teeeeeeeeext?" I asked with a smirk, making sure to keep my eyes on the road. She couldn't hide things from me to save her life.

"W-What? No." Byeol quickly turned off her phone and looked out the window. "I didn't even text anyone, I don't know what you're saying."

I chuckled to myself. They're one and the same.

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