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Hello! Just a disclaimer here to say that the characters, their portrayal, situation, plot, and dialogue references to The Gray Man by Netflix (2022) are not mine and the rights to all of the above belong to their proper owners. (The OC in this work, Sasha Lewellyn, is my work, and the backstory I give her and character Lloyd Hansen as far as them as a couple is concerned is my work as well.)

A character in this story suffers from a brain injury which leaves her/him/them unable to form new memories and yes, it struck me that the character's coping mechanism is very Momento. I think probably another significant character watched Momento a lot and got the idea from that. To anyone who has personal experience with or knows someone in their lives who is in this position, I acknowledge that I am giving a very simplistic explanation of things that I do not have personal experience with, and take responsibility for errors there.

Another note just to say that, on principle, I think Lloyd Hansen the fictional character is really awful, so I'm not sure where this is coming from... He was a really good, entertaining bad guy, and he turned out to be very fun to write, but I'm not making any excuses for him. The vibe I got from him in the movie was a very entitled, privileged sort of bad guy, so I carried that through here. If he makes comments that raise hackles, it's on purpose when he's being awful.

Thanks for reading! PLEASE remember to leave kind comments to let me know how you find it and upvote this story! If you've got questions or thoughts, feel free to leave those as well! (I would really appreciate NO comments on me and my personal writing style unless they are positive. I'm sure you all understand.)

Happy reading!!! (This is kind of a one-shot but will probably have at least five parts before it ends, so stay tuned!)

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