Chapter II

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*****current year, year 5****
As Harry remembered that fond moment, he heard a loud crash from the other side of the room.

"Rubbish, this thing is," Ron muttered to himself as he walked away from his rogue trunk. The trunk had sprung open, making Ron tumble backwards, and everything in his trunk had flown across the room.

"Wha-what?" A sleepy voice asked, coming from the bed across from Ron. They suddenly perked up as they leaped from their bed and shook whatever had landed on him off. "Merlin, Ron! That's disgusting! Get your dirty socks under control!"

"Those aren't socks," Harry snickered, as he saw that it was Seamus who had leapt from their bed.

Seamus turned an awful color and faced Ron. "EWW! Ron, did your dirty underwear just fly across the room and land on me?!"

"Sorry mate." Ron said, looking sheepish. "This bloody trunk won't close!"

Seamus glared at Ron as he clambered back into his own bed, which now had essence of Ron's underwear, and Seamus looked ready to hex him. "You're lucky I'm so tired, otherwise you'd be under a bat-bogey hex right now."

After Seamus and Ron had fallen back asleep, Harry kept turning over in his bed, unable to sleep.

*****year 2*****

"Oi, Potter!" Draco came up to him with a half-sneer jokingly on his face during his second year. "What kept you so long? We were all waiting for you in the study hall."

"Sorry Draco, I forgot. I've had a lot on my mind lately." Harry fidgeted with his hands as they walked down the hallway.

Draco stopped, turning to look at Harry. He narrowed his eyes as he saw how pale and exhausted looking Harry was. "Harry, are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, fine." Harry made no acknowledgement that Draco had stopped. Draco had quickly caught up to Harry and looked at him with a concerned look.

"Really, Harry." Draco turned Harry to face him, but Harry wouldn't look him in the eye. Draco set the back of his hand on Harry forehead quickly, and a wave of concern rushed over him.

"Bloody hell, Harry! You're burning up!"

"I'm quite alright, really. I just need some rest."

"That's a load of codswallop and you know it. Come on, we need to goto the hospital wing, you look positively dreadful." Draco linked his arm in his as he led Harry to the hospital wing.

As Draco was helping him continue down the hall, Harry suddenly stopped in terror. "Did you hear that?" He asked Draco quickly.

Draco looked at him, and saw that Harry's vivid green eyes were fearful. They sparkled brilliantly though- Wait, what?

Draco ignored what he just thought as he replied. "N-no, I don't think so... why don't we walk faster?" He suggested, trying to get to the hospital wing.

"No really," Harry insisted, bringing his ear to the wall. "I hear someone talking."

"Harry, I really think that we need to get to the-" Draco stopped short, for he saw what was in front of him. He gasped and took an involuntary step back as he saw Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris, hanging from her tail in a ghastly position.

"Enemies of the heir, beware?" Harry said suddenly, apparently understanding what the voice had said.

".....H-harry," Draco stuttered as he stepped next to him. "That's what the wall says."

Harry turned to where Draco was referring to, and saw the message on the wall, written in blood. He didn't even notice that Draco had threaded his fingers through Harry's and they stood there, hands clasped together.

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