Chapter XXVI

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Fuck, it's been a month. I deserve to be slapped. Really. I'm so busy though, I just joined a sport bc my dad said I never exercise and am always on my computer.... I'm also taking driver's ed too, but really. I'm actually writing most of this in the driver's ed car..... Which is'll see.

Go ahead and slap me, seriously.

"Room for two, please," Harry grinned, glancing back at Draco. The hotel manager looked down at them unappreciatively as their sopping wet clothes dripped on the floor. They paid with another quarter of their muggle money, and headed up the halls.

After trying many times to swipe the card, backwards and sideways, Harry finally helped Draco open the door. Draco looked up sheepishly as he hung his wet coat on the hook.

The room was quite possibly the gaudiest thing Draco had ever seen. The curtains were a ghastly yellow color, and the two metal-framed twin beds were separated by an oak night table with an antique brass lamp.

"Is this how all muggle rooms look?" Draco scoffed.

"Most definitely not," Harry laughed, throwing himself back onto the bed. Draco stood in the entryway, frowning at himself in the mirror. He then grumpily crossed to the back corner of the room, silently inspecting the area. Harry sat up, his hands still behind him, supporting him up. "Hey," Harry murmured, "at least it's a place to sleep. We could be out in the rain."

Draco nodded, and climbed over Harry on the bed, legs curling around him as Harry fell back down. "You're right," he whispered as he slid his mouth down Harry's neck, Harry grinning under him. He kissed him softly at first, and Harry let him search his mouth as he pleased, his tongue raking across his top teeth. Draco's arms slid down Harry's body until he reached the hem of Harry's shirt, feeling the smooth skin under it and Harry's steady breathing. He slid Harry's shirt up until Harry grabbed it and pulled it over his head, tossing it aside on the floor. Draco traced his hands up Harry's abdomen as he kissed his ribs, slowly sliding up to Harry's neck, running his fingertips over Harry's chest. Harry was skinny, that's for sure, but not as skinny as he was. It definitely wasn't healthy, though.

He felt Harry's hands reach for his own shirt as well, and he hesitated for a small moment, but then flipped the buttons open with one hand and then his shirt fluttered to the floor. Draco returned to his previous position, their chests pressed together. He didn't want Harry to see his ribs.

Draco nipped and sucked at Harry's neck, sure to leave marks, and felt Harry's nipple harden with his fingers. He reached down and grazed his teeth over it and licked it swiftly as he slid over and did the same with the other nipple. Harry mumbled pleasurably as Draco slowly leaned back above him, now sitting up above Harry's legs with his own legs kneeling, straddled around Harry. His hands were nestled in Harry's front pockets of his jeans as Harry sat up and kissed him, still straddled by Draco. His hands cupped Draco's jawline as he kissed him fiercely, running his tongue throughout Draco's mouth. Draco's breath hitched as Harry flipped him over, now hovering over Draco on the bed.

"Not bad," Draco deducted, pretending to scratch his chin. Harry stared at him from a possessive position above him, making Draco melt under him. Ugh. Those eyes. Those fucking beautiful green eyes.

"Shut up and let me kiss you," Harry growled, which was a complete turn on. Draco moaned loudly as Harry slowly began to rock into him, running his tongue into every part of Draco's mouth. Harry's mouth moved gradually down to Draco's chest, where his hands absently traced over Draco's ribs, and then abruptly stopped. Harry sat up. "Dray," he whispered worriedly. Draco looked up from the lack of contact, and propped himself up to a sitting position where Harry traced his hands around Draco's abdomen.


"You're so skinny," Harry emphasized, running his hands down Draco's thin waist and hips as he held him tight. He also traced over Draco's old scars, some from being whipped, some from unknown causes, scattered across his back and abdomen. Draco bit his lip and said nothing, dejectedly looking away. "How much do you eat?" Harry asked plainly, his eyes filled with worry.

"I eat enough," was all that Draco said, his voice low. "It's not like I
starve myself."

"I know that, but Dray. You need to be eating more."

"We were in a hostage situation, you know. Look at yourself. You're skinny too." Draco spat, and instantly regretted it. "Harry..."

"No, you're right." Harry shrugged, but backed away from Draco on the bed. He sat across from him, legs sprawled across the bed. "I've never eaten enough."

"Harry." Draco bit his lip and crawled toward him on the mattress, sitting up by the pillows. He wrapped Harry around in his arms and lied down with him, pulling the blankets over them. Their feet intertwined, and Harry turned his head back and smiled faintly, while Draco kissed the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry," Draco whispered into his ear, and then kissed behind it. "I know I'm skinny. But I eat enough, I swear. Can we just focus on getting you back to being healthy?"

Harry nodded, and Draco nestled his head into the back of Harry's neck, arms wrapped around Harry. They lied on the metal twin mattress in the dark for a long time, until Draco could hear the faint breathing of Harry as he slept.

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