Chapter XII

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"There they are," hushed whispers echoed throughout the giant Great Hall as Harry and Draco walked through the doors. Insulting words were scattered throughout the hall as well. Draco tried not to let them get to him, but they did. He had found a way to shut up the Slytherins about telling his father about his relationship, but there were many others ways he could find out. His father still didn't know about his friendship with the three Gryffindors, and he hoped to death that it would stay that way.

"Dray, don't listen to them. What they speak is rubbish and you know it." Harry pleaded, but Draco was already seething.
Even the Hufflepuffs, those bloody badgers that were supposed to treat everyone with kindness and have respect for each other were gossiping. Harry and Malfoy were caught shagging by Colin Creevey, people said. Colin Creevey got threatened by Malfoy when he caught them shagging. Malfoy bewitched Harry into shagging him, because of course, Harry would never do that. Multiple ideas were spread around, and of course, none of them were true. Draco snarled in a rage and ran up to the front of the Great Hall.

"Listen you blithering idiots, I am Draco bloody Malfoy and he is the bloody boy who lived. If we want to shag, then why can't we? Speaking of that, we actually were not shagging, just cuddling, mind you. We did not threaten anyone, and I certainly did not curse Harry. To you, he's the famous Harry Potter, the boy who lived. To me, he is just a boy who has been hurt by so many people, yet he remains strong, and even though there are many who have hurt him, there are even more people that love him. And I am one of those people. I love Harry Potter." His voice cracked, and Harry had never seen him show so much emotion in public before. Harry came up to him on the Great Hall steps and pulled him into a tight embrace, tears forming. Draco was right. For how many people had hurt Harry, there were more that loved him. And Draco, his Draco, was one of them.

Draco kissed Harry's scar on his forehead, and began to walk down the steps, hand in hand with Harry. He started to speak again. "And if any of you disagree with me then go right ahead and say so, but don't stay a nameless face in the crowd, step out into the light so I can see your bloody face because I want to know why your fear has caused you to judge a person based off of the person that they love."

The hall was silent.

In a mournful yet powerful silence, Harry and Draco sat down at the Gryffindor table next to Ron and Hermione.

"Draco, that was brilliant!" Hermione cried, and she hugged him, but Draco didn't feel like returning the hug at the moment. Hermione noticed that and dropped her arms. "And I am so sorry I forgot your memory in the pensive, it was an awful mistake..."

"It's alright Hermione." Draco smiled.

Hermione smiled awkwardly, and scratched her ear. "Also, Ron and I found you guys sleeping-"

"We were not shagging!" Harry almost shouted, but Draco held him down.

"Relax," Hermione giggled. "I was only going to say that we found you sleeping in the window seat. We went to Hogsmeade without you. And Draco, I brought you back some Pepper Imps from Honeydukes."

"Thanks 'mione!" Draco smiled.

"Oh and also," she whispered. "Just between us three, I suppose I should tell you that Ron and I are together now."

"Finally." Harry gasped, and he picked up his pumpkin juice goblet. "It's about time."

"Yeah, well, it's not that big of a deal. I mean, not compared to you two lovebirds."

"Hey!" Draco piped up. "It is a big deal. You two are made for each other."

"Thanks, Draco." Hermione smiled. She blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, looking away from the doorway because all of a sudden, Ron had just came into the great hall.

"What'd I miss?" Ron asked cheerfully.


"It's alright 'arry, I think that Draco could be good enough for you." Ron grinned. "Besides, I was expecting it, really."

"Oh you were, were you?" Draco smirked. "And by the way, Hermione, thanks for covering for us during breakfast."

"Anytime." Hermione said.

"Wait, what?" Ron asked, yet again through a mouthful of food.

"Ronald, learn some etiquette and don't talk with your mouth full for Merlin's sake." Hermione rolled her eyes. "This morning, it wasn't me who kicked you, Harry was playing footsie with Draco and accidentally hit you instead."

"Oh. So... You weren't flirting with me then?" Ron asked.

"Ron, don't be so daft. I've liked you since we met, I didn't need to..." She trailed off, realising that she told him about how long she had liked him for.

"Really? Since we met?" Ron said. Hermione nodded, her hair falling out of place. "But you acted so ghastly toward me!" Ron exclaimed.

"Ron, you should know me by now, how much experience did you think I had in talking to boys?" Hermione scoffed.

"None at all," Harry smirked.

"Harry, that was a rhetorical question, I didn't expect you guys to answer!" She stood up. "Anyway, Ron, let's get going. Do you want to come to the library with me?" Ron nodded. "Oh, and Draco? Here's your Pepper Imps." Hermione tossed them to Draco and he hugged them to his chest like they were his lifeline. Hermione and Ron left the Great Hall, and Draco was still hugging the sweets.

"Dray?" Harry asked, rubbing Draco's back, "why do you like sweets so much?"

Draco smiled sadly at Harry. "My father had very strict rules in our household. Not having any sweets was one of them. My first year at Hogwarts was the first time I dared to try some."

"That's awful." Harry sat sideways on the long bench, and wrapped his arms around Draco's waist. He buried his face in Draco's hair, and he left scattered kisses across his neck. Draco sighed in pleasure as Harry intertwined his leg between Draco's. Most people had left the Great Hall already, luckily, but the few remaining had made a point to not look over at the Gryffindor table again. Harry hit the sweet spot on Draco's neck, and he began to suck on it to leave a mark. "You're mine, Dray." He growled territorially, and Draco closed his eyes and the pleasure of Harry sucking on his neck took over.

"I know, love."

"Did you just...?" Harry asked, shocked.

"Yes I did. You have a nickname for me, there's nothing good that can be shortened from Harry."

"That's true," Harry mumbled. "I like it." Harry quickly kissed his cheek "Anyway, let's get out of here. I've been dying to go to Hogsmeade for quite some time, would you like to sneak out with me?"

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