Chapter V

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***current year, year 5*****
Draco stared blankly out the window, not paying attention to his second class of the day.

"...Would you care to demonstrate, Mister Malfoy?" Professor McGonagall sniffed, displeased that Draco was not paying attention in her class, especially considering that he was just barely making the grade of Exceeds Expectations, when all of his other classes were Outstandings.

"Erm- what was the spell, professor?" Draco looked up nervously, for Professor McGonagall was one of the only professors that truly intimidated him.

"If you had been paying attention for the last half-hour, you would have known. 10 points from Slytherin." She snapped, and took out a quill while sitting at her desk and began to grade papers.

Draco seemed to shrink in his seat, and Harry turned back to look at him and shrugged. Draco glared back at Harry, but Harry smirked at Draco and stuck out his tongue, making Draco irritated.

"Potter, Malfoy, please refrain from making inappropriate rude gestures at each other. 5 points will be taken from Slytherin and Gryffindor. Now, if anyone else would like to disturb this time to look over your notes, be my guest. Just know that any further interruptions or daydreaming will lead to detention." McGonagall announced, not looking up from her stack of papers.

Harry made one last face at Draco before he turned back around to sort through his notes.

******year two*******

"We need you, Hermione," Draco rubbed the back of her hand, tracing over her palm with his thumb. There was no one else in the hospital wing, and Draco felt a pang of sadness. The golden quartet was separated now, Hermione was petrified, an Merlin knows when the mandrakes would be ready. He looked over around the infirmary, and saw the other muggle borns. Colin Creevey and Justin Finch-Fletchley lay eerily still, petrified, on the beds.

"Hermione, there's something I need to say to someone, even if you can't hear me. Even though you were raised by muggles, you might understand, but you might not. You see, if my father knew that we were all friends, you, me, Harry, and Ron, of course, he'd probably disown me.

"Before I came to Hogwarts, he told me that I needed to be sorted into Slytherin no matter what. So when the sorting hat was placed on my head, all of my thoughts were that I needed to be in Slytherin. I hate it, Hermione, I wish I could be in Gryffindor like you three, but I'm not brave enough. I couldn't even defy my own bloody father, that's how much of a coward I am.

"Then, even though everything's already screwed up, I had to befriend you three, but I've got to say, it made me the happiest I've ever felt in my entire life. I grew up being unloved, 'Mione, do you understand that? The only person who ever remotely loved me was my mother, who couldn't defy my father either, even when he would beat her, or even beat me.

"He beat me, Hermione. He is an arrogant coward who deserves to be thrown in Azkaban. Don't you see? I'm a Malfoy, and you know what Malfoy's are these days? Cowards. Bloody cowards. All of us.

"He also told me that all of my friends needed to be pure-blooded Slytherins. As if those greasy, foul people could be able to maintain a friendship. If I were to associate with.... with mudbloods, then he would beat me for sure, most likely until I was unconscious.

"Every time I see that cane of his, I can't repress a shudder, because that's what he usually beat us with it. He wanted me to make people fear me, like he did to people, as if I was some great evil in this world. I don't want to be evil, Hermione, I can't. I truly can't.

"He's going to find out soon, I swear that one of those slimy pure-blooded Slytherins will find out that what I'm doing is strictly forbidden and spill."

Draco sighed, releasing Hermione's hand. He hasn't realised that a lone tear had slipped out from his glistening silver eyes. His hand quickly shot up, wiping his cheek.

"And I... I'm so grateful that Harry gave me a chance. I said some rude things to Ron, and he could have easily dissed me, and I can scarcely imagine what would happen if he did. We'd hate each other, become each other's enemies, and my life would be insufferable. I'd have followers, not true friends like you three..."

Draco stood up, relieved that he decided that he would finally be telling someone his deepest kept secret.

"And I know that you can't hear any of this, but I just want you to know one more thing, and I think that you of all people will be more accepting... But Hermione, I think that I'm gay."

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