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Name: Patient 001, previous known as Narakashi Yeri

Biological Gender: Female

Quirk: Sonar

Case: Introduction of foreign Quirk gene to 001.

Patient 001 exhibits strange behavior that includes drooling, heaving, jitters and also hair pulling after Quirk Gene was introduced and attached to previous gene. 001 went through series of high fevers, cardiac arrest and strokes that were recorded soon after the introduction of the gene. It was ruled that the foreign gene was attacked inside out and nearly killed 001. After successfully removing both the introduced Quirk and original Quirk for further study, it was ruled that because the introduced strain differed in receptors for amino acids to latch on, the Quirk remained dormant and was not able to produce the correct hormones to take its full affect. The rejection of the gene could be attributed to the cell structure of the chromosome as well as the foreign cells being rejected by the host's body and was seen as a viral infection.

It is well noted that both genes were taken out of Patient 001 before further damage could be done to the Quirk's integral form. 001 continues to exhibit withdrawal symptoms as noted above.

Further testing is needed to confirm how to combine both Quirks without rejection as well as be operable. Hormones shots may be needed to reintroduce the Genes for full function.

After Kameyo had arrived at Yorosu Kaiba's room making sure that the next time someone walked in his room was at least an hour away, she administrated Propofol, a sedation drug commonly used in Hospitals that she made inside a pocket of her gut, and got to work.

She took blood, plasma and even some stem cells she could use later on before getting to the integral part of the whole operation.

There are twenty-three chromosomes in a human, each having over a thousand genes and hundred-million base pairs. How exactly will she find the secluded Quirk Gene hidden amongst useless genes like hair color and eye color?

According to the world-renowned Scientific Journal published by the AAAS, which she was subscribed to, a leading scientist in the molecular-biology field in the US had discovered and narrowed down exact chromosome the Quirk Gene was located. Now, two-hundred years ago, society had only figured out roughly ninety-five percent base pairs and what they determine exactly. A hundred years ago that number was nearly a hundred-percent, yet the introduction to Quirks, Metahumans back then, the biology and sometimes physiology had changed Genes.

Take that explosion kid she's seen on the news lately, he has a gene that changes the sweat he secretes in his palms to a nitroglycerin-like liquid instead the usual salty H20. Was it embedded in his Quirk Gene or was it located in the humans response to sweat when warm to cool down? That went further on that just simple chromosomes that code the body, that changed the physiology of the human. The body recognizes it's warm and sweats. The receptors latch on to the signals the neurons send out "Its Hot! Sweat time!" and reluctantly sweats. Did he have different neurons that sent a different message that controlled only his palms to secrete this liquid and only on his palms?

Each and every individual has their own quirks, their own bodies unique to their own.

A subject like Bakugou would have been... too difficult for her in these early stages. Mental quirks are much more tame.

For Yorusu Kaiba, his Quirk should be bound the gene that affected the brain. The projection affect of his Quirk, Inclination, should point towards a particular part of his brain where it's able to send out waves, similar to radio-waves, towards its intended target(s).

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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