You're my best friend

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Gibbs is enjoying his evening after an exhausting case on his couch, together with a beer and a freshly cooked steak from his fireplace when a knock on his door disturbs him. “It’s open!”, he yells annoyed. Why do people always need to visit him in the evening? Gibbs hears the door opening and steps coming towards the living room. “There you are, Gibbs. Why can’t you just come to the door like a normal person?”, Fornell asks and sits down next to Gibbs on the couch. “What do you want?”, Gibbs asks annoyed and stares angry at him. “Just some company. You know I’m lonely at home, Gibbs”, Fornell answers. “That’s why you came to me. To have company?”, Gibbs asks. Before Fornell can answer, they hear some cars parking. The car doors are being closed and Gibbs and Fornell hear at least five people walking towards the house. “Yeah, maybe I didn’t tell you everything...”, Fornell answers nervous. “Ya think?”, Gibbs asks and gets up carefully. Fornell stands up too and both get out their weapons. “Who are they?”, Gibbs wants to know whispering. “I have no idea. I swear”, Fornell answers, whispering as well. Gibbs rolls his eyes before switching off the light. They both sneak carefully to the back door. But before they can even reach it, the front door is being kicked in. Five men, all dressed completely in black, enter the house, their guns pointed at Gibbs and Fornell. “I think we got a problem, Gibbs”, Fornell marks. “No, you got a problem”, one of the men retorts. Gibbs slowly reaches behind him and opens the door. Just a tiny bit, but enough to open it completely if they decide to run away. Gibbs taps on Fornell’s arm before he turns around and runs away. Fornell follows him immediately. Some seconds later the bad guys start shooting. Fornell and Gibbs throw themselves on the ground to escape the bullets. But it’s too late. Some of the bullets hit Gibbs right in the back.

“Gibbs? Gibbs! Are you okay?”, a voice asks worried. Gibbs slowly opens his eyes and is blinded. “Tobias?”, Gibbs asks confused. He blinks to get a clearer view. But the worried face above his face isn't from Fornell. It’s... “Jack? What are you doing here? Did they kidnap you too?”, he asks concerned and confused at the same time. “I didn’t get kidnapped. Neither did you, cowboy”, Jack answers and gently takes his hand in hers. “B... But I got hit. Several times”, Gibbs retorts. “Gibbs, you fell asleep on your couch. It’s 2 am”, Jack reassures him chuckling. “Wait, what? It’s 2 am? What are you doing at my house at 2 am?”, Gibbs wants to know, still confused. “Uhm, you invited me because my apartment is flooded. I just woke up and apparently you still weren’t in bed. So I checked on you. You almost fell off the couch”, Jack answers, hardly holding back a laugh. “Oh yeah, I remember. Thank god you aren’t Fornell”, Gibbs says, now finally laughing.

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