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Riley's pov;

As I'm walking out of the office I notice pretty much all of A-Troupe are here so I decide to do a quick register to make sure who we've got.
"Good morning A-Troupe. I'm going to do a quick register to make sure everyone's here." I say making them all nod. James walks over to me and takes my hand in his.
"Here." I finish doing the register and luckily everyone is here. Our two alternates are Ozzy and Summer.
"Ok, so now that I now everyone's here, let's get started with the semi finals routine." James states. Everyone gets into positions and Summer and Ozzy walk over to the benches.

"Wow, well done you guys. That was amazing. We still have a few parts to work on but other that that, it was perfect." James says. Richelle comes up to me and James and she gives us an odd look.
"Hi Richelle, how are you?" I ask.
"I'm fine, it's just I think Lily should be the alternate because she's not the best dancer." Richelle says to me. I know she doesn't like Lily, but she's just as strong a dancer as her and Piper.
"We're not making Lily an alternate. She's just a good as dancer as you." James says to her.
"Ugh, fine."
"Well that was odd." I say turning to face my husband. He raises an eyebrow slightly and nods his head.
"Yeah it was. I thought they were good friends? Obviously not." James says.
"Anyway, let's do the finals routine." I say. It's not 10:15 so we have 15 minutes until the first break of the day.
"Yeah ok." He says to me. "A-Troupe, time to do the finals routine." He says slightly louder to gain everyone's attention.

"Wonderful you guys. Needs a few more practices and then we should be ready to go."


James' pov:

It's now 3:30 I'm the afternoon so I head down to Hidalgo's with A-Troupe to wait for Michelle and Eldon to come in with the girls. Riley said she had some work she needed to do, so I'm staying down with the girls until Emily comes and picks them up. I hope she comes soon, because I'm really tired and want to get home.

Michelle Walks in with keila on her hip while Eldon comes in with Hailie on his hip. All of the old A-Troupe are obsessed with the girls and are all like aunts and uncles to them.
"Daddy!" Keila squeals.
"Hey baby." I say to her as she runs at me after Michelle puts her down. Hailie is asleep so Eldon keeps hold of her. "What have you been up to today Kay?" I ask her.
"Well, we went out on a walk with Aunty Michelle and Uncle Eldon. Then we went to the park. We then went to a cafe and had lunch and then went home and watched tv." She replies.
"Aw, that's nice. I hope you were being a good girl." I tease. I tickle her and she starts laughing.
"I...was...a...good...girl." She says in between laughs. I stop tickling her and Michelle and Eldon sit down.
"Do you want a juice?" I ask Eldon and Michelle. They both nod, I already know what juice they like because we've been best friends for ages now. I also get Keila and Hailie an drink too. "Ok here we are." I hand out the drinks to everyone. We sit and talk for about 20 minutes.

"It's almost 4 if you guys wanna go. I can look after my kids on my own." I tease.
"Oh yeah, we should probably get going. She you soon James." Eldon says.
"Bye aunty Michelle and uncle Eldon." Keila says. Hailie is still asleep because none of have woken her up.
"Bye guys, see you soon." I say to them.
"Daddy, where's Mummy?" Keila asks.
"Mummy's working, but you're having a sleepover at Auntie Emily's house. So we're waiting for her to arrive." I answer her. Just ad I do, Emily walks in.

Emily's pov:

I walk into Hidalgo's and I see James sitting there with my nieces. I love them both very much, but I can't believe how young Riley was when she had them. I don't see Riley and I'm a little confused at first. But then I remember what she told me she was doing tonight with James. It's their 9 year anniversary for something, but I don't honestly know. All I know is that they've been married for just over 2 years.
"Hi Em." James greets me. I can't say he's my favourite person in the world, but I can tolerate him. And I kind of have to since he's married to my baby sister.
"Hi James, how are you?" I ask.
"Good, you?" He asks back.
"I'm fine, Hunters just being Hunter. You know?"
"Oh yeah. Um by the way, Hailie is sleeping so I'd be careful but here's Keila and I bought them a juice each so here." He says while handing me Hailie and two juices. I find the twins really easy to tell apart, Hunter cannot. I don't know how people find it hard to tell them apart, Hailie has slightly darker brown eyes and Keila has a mole near her right eye.

I still can't forgive James for what he did to Riley, but Riley did the exact same this James, just slightly worse. At least Beth kissed James, but Riley kiss the idiot Alfie. Riley was under a lot of pressure and stress and she was confused because James had left. When Beth kissed James, he tried to get Riley to believe him but she didn't so she broke with him. Then James goes onto date Beth to try and over Riley but somehow, James came up with the brilliant idea of a list. He completed everything on there and won Riley over again. It was sweet to see how much he cares about my little sister. They truly are so in love and probably each other's soulmates. It's so sweet to watch James get all protective over Riley.

James' pov:

Once Emily has left, I grab my phone, keys and juice and head back to studio A. When I get there, there's a giant canvas on the floor and Riley looks so cute in her outfit. I know what she's doing because it the same date that she did 6 years ago T for our three year anniversary.

"Did you like it?" Riley asked me.
"No. I loved it." I pulled her into a big hug and spin her around. I kiss her on the lips and then that somehow turns into a make out. Riley didn't need to get me anything for our little anniversary, but I honestly loved it. It felt just like old times again. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this girls really is my whole world. I can't imagine my life with out her in it. I can't wait to expand our family even more and I feel like the luckiest man in the world to have met Riley.

After our little date, we clear it away so we don't have to do it tomorrow morning. We head down to the car and start driving home. It's really quiet without the girls but it's nice to have some alone time with Riley. We decide to get a take away because neither of us could be bothered to cook. We chose to get a Chinese and it's our usual order we get so I already knew it.

Once the food arrives, we put on a film and start eating whilst talking. Neither of us really paid much attention to the film playing in the background. I love nights like these with Riley, it just reminds me of when we were teenagers and would spend all night at each other's houses. Usually Riley would come to mine, because mine was closer to dance and school, so it was just easier to walk or catch the bus to mine. There are so many memories in those two rooms and I'm glad that neither of our parents have moved out. If they had, we wouldn't have those rooms to go back to for memories.

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