Just as it says

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My sister and I were born, I wonder if my birth mother had a craving for ice cream or cold things when she was expecting us, kind of like in Wicked, I guess that makes me Elphaba. Except I don't have magic, and I'm not seen as evil or wicked, just different and on the side of town we were born in that was a bad thing, the side of town I was born on they were all about perfection.

Which I didn't think was very fair considering that my sister was born with silver hair, and no matter what they did whether they died it or tried to cut it, nothing worked, so she grew up to hide it under a wig, a bright blonde one to make her look normal, but everything else about her looked normal. A healthy pale skin tone, and blue eyes.

And me? I never had a chance this (skin color)is my skin tone naturally but instead of having bright red hair, my natural born hair color is this (hair color) and G-D forbid, I swear I'm not kidding when I say that this (eye color)is my natural eye color. All traces of my parents having me had disappeared. It was like I was never born.

They named me, and wrapped me up in a baby blanket, with my birth certificate next to me, and put me in an box, an open box of course, they called for the government people and they kidnapped me and took me to the other side of the fence, to Zombie town. They dropped me off on the doorstep, and knocked on the door leaving a note that read, "She's you're problem now." And got out there like they were never there, stealing away in the dead of the night like it never happened.

Coming! Called a man's voice on the inside. When he opened the door, he looked around. It was a dark rainy night. He called out to anyone who had been there, but no one was around. Hello? He'd called, then heard my cries. Honey it's the middle of the night, a woman's voice called from inside coming to the door.

One sec honey. The man picked me up in his arms, and bounced and rocked me. Honey? She called again with more concern this time. Oh my goodness. She *gasped* when she saw me in his arms. Whose baby is that? She asked. IDK sweetie. He shook his head. I heard the knock at the door and no one was there, poor thing must be freezing, and look at this, this box she was in has her name, her birth certificate, white permanent skin spray paint, and a green wig, and green contacts, and a note that says she's our problem now.

Hand her to me dear please. He handed me to the woman, as he picked up my belongings. According to this, her first name is Farrah, and her middle name is Ruby. And that she has a twin sister. Ruby, I like that name Farrah Ruby. But what will the other zombies think, she's not a zombie like us, she won't need a Zband or a jacket, she's human she just doesn't look like one.

That's the problem, they might fear her because she's not like us, but that's probably why her birth family gave her up, poor thing never had a chance. Looks like nobody wanted her, and I guess somehow someway whoever left her here must've known we'd take her in and treat her well. That we will, human or zombie or whatever she is, no matter what the others think we're keeping her period end of story.

And they did, with my birth family I never had a chance but here I was given one. The other zombies and their families didn't like me at first, and were afraid of me because I didn't look like anything they'd ever seen. At home I didn't need to wear the contacts or the wig, and when I say home I mean our side of the town.

Zed and I quickly became friends as if we'd been really brother and sister and I always considered them my real family, then 6 years later my stepsister Zoey was born. And my stepmom passed away giving birth to her, leaving my stepdad to take care of us all on his own. Bonzo was easily convinced to like me and to be my friend, Eliza on the other hand, she had never been quite convinced that she wanted to be my friend because she hated humans, which made two of us. We were more like frenemies even if it was a one way street, I wanted to be here friend and I treated her like she was my friend but she was skeptical of me.

My step family loved me the way I was just the same, as if I was a stray dog that was looking for a home. Trust me it makes sense especially when your little sister step, half, or blood has always wanted a dog but zombies weren't allowed to have pets cause they think they will eat them, everything humans know about us them is a lie. So, that's where Zed and I come in, we act like we're dogs, and we love it.

We'd do anything to make our sister happy. We even play like dogs when she's not watching us. The behavior has grown on us and it makes us all that much more loyal to each other, my step brother and my step sister are my best friends and kind of my only ones. Eliza isn't exactly my friend, even if I'm hers and Bonzo acts like a real zombie there's not a whole lot up there if you know what I mean, he's one of the few zombies that don't speak in English and just speaks zombie.

It's easy to pick up on, except when there are 26 different ways to say the word brains. But by the time we were 14 years old going on 15 going into our first year of high school, Seabrook was finally letting us attend real school, but that's the only thing that's changed around here. Bonzo is still ok with me, Eliza is still skeptical of me, I'm still afraid of and hate humans, and my family, step, half, or blood we're and have always been and always will be my best friends.

I love this family, they actually wanted me, they had actually given me a chance when no one else did. Now let us tell you our story, but if you don't mind Zed will be taking over the next chapter of our story along with my biological sister Addison. Well see ya soon. Bye!

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