27. HarlIvy

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"Quick Recap!" Harley's voice cries out. "Ivy fell in love with Y/n a six hundred year old immortal healer who in the past destroyed a Mongolian army, but turns out I was in love with them both. Joker got a second acid bath. Y/n injected himself with some sort of serum to cure his immortality, Ivy and I kicked Psycho's ass. Hard passed Darkseid. Y/n and I saved Ivy from cops invading Freeze and Nora's wedding and we drove off into the sunset. What do you think we did next, hmm?" 

A woman's hand appears in what looks to be Harley's hand as the two women lay back on a bed giggling and chuckling.

 The woman who looks like Harley flips them so that she is on top of the other as the bed creaks. She moves her hand down what appears to be Ivy's body as Ivy's hands come up to grab Harley's pigtails. 

The pigtailed sits up to reveal it is not  Harley, rather someone dressed up as her. "Now let's shed those leaves." She says.

The other woman's face is revealed to show someone dressed like Ivy as they make exaggerated moans. "Uh, yeah, I'm Ivy, ooh, yea... "

It is now shown that the real Harley and Ivy are sat on a crystal couch on either side of a slightly disgusted Y/n who has is arms folded looking at the TV screen. There was bottles of champagne and snacks littered everywhere.

"Please, tell me why it is we are watching...this...terrible pornographic movie" Y/n asks Harley and Ivy.

"Because it was my turn to pick and it looked funny!" Harley laughs. "Besides you made us watch 12 hours of short men running around all to destroy some stupid ring."

"That was Lord of The Ring Harley...I only wanted to see how faithful to the original book it was, I never had the chance to see it before though, I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by it." Y/n said in his defence.

"It was alright." Ivy shrugged. "But I don't get this I mean I don't even wear leaves." 

"Still, ya gotta respect the hustle." Harley tells them. "I mean, they wrote, shot, and edited this in two weeks since Psycho blew up our spot."

"Was that only two weeks ago? It feels like so much longer." Ivy comments.

"I know, right?" Harley says.

"Time becomes an odd construct when you have lived as long as I." Y/n admits.

Suddenly a hologram whooshes from the side and the three look to see what looks to be an older man with logo on his chest that looks like Superman's dad.

"The sign says 'no girls allowed'." The hologram says.

"Superman's dead dad?" Ivy asks. 

"Harlivy? What are you doing here?" The Hologram asks surprised. 

"Ooh! Is that our official celeb couple name?" Harley asks it. 

"Ugh, I would have just gone with "Hivey" and shouldn't Y/n be included in there somewhere?" Ivy asks.

"I guess no one really knows his name." Harley shrugs. "Just that he's the guy fucking Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn."

Y/n just sighs and rubs his eyes. "I would prefer you used a less vulgar term Harley when it came to our complex relationship...However my name being relatively unknown is something I would like to remain."  

"I hadn't said the ship name out loud before, it looks better in writing." The Hologram comments. "Now surrender, fugitives! Wait, are you watching a dirty movie? This is the Fortress of Solitude!"

"L-O-L a "dirty movie"? Uh, relax, we just dropped in to chill for a bit and eat all your chips while Gordon's looking for us, okay? Your big, dumb son says it's okay." Harley tells him.,

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