Deduce the Hell Out of Them

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(First Person P.o.V.: JULIET)

I sit across Andy and next to Tori as he and the rest of the BVB boys squeeze onto the opposite couch. With the five of them, it was a tight squeeze for sure.

"So..." Andy says, looking at Tori. He was studying her, and I'm betting she's doing the same to him and the other guys.

"'So' what?" Asks Tori, raising an eyebrow at him.

"What's your name? You probably know ours." Yeah, I'm not too sure about that, Andy.

"I know yours, but as for the rest, no. And to answer your question, my real name is Victoria, but I go by Tori."

"You don't know us?" Ashley looks kinda offended.

"I don't have a lot of free time." Was Tori's answer. Her social skills are rustier than I remembered, so I decide to introduce Ashley and the others to her.

"The one wearing cowboy boots is Ashley, their bassist. The one with the bandana is CC, Jake is the one eating pizza and Jinxx is the one with the ear piercings. You get that?" I indicate each of the members when I say their name and Tori nods.

"What's it like being a detective?" Asks Jake.

"I'm not with the police. I'm not a freelancer either, so please don't ask me something like that."

"But Juliet said you're a detective." Andy looks so confused, it's adorable.

"You should be the last person saying that, Mr. Biersack. If I recall correctly, you were the one who asked what a consulting detective is, weren't you?" I sigh. Sometimes Tori forgets that not everyone is like her or Sherlock. They're probably in the handful of people who can act so indifferent to almost everything, and honestly, it scares me.

"Fine then. So what's it like being a consulting detective?" Andy corrects himself and puts emphasis on the word 'consulting', shooting me a look.

"To be honest? It's annoying. Scotland Yard has some competent people, but the rest are just imbeciles. And don't get me started on the other idiots that Lestrade sends down to us." Tori had a knack for completely disregarding other's abilities from time to time. This was one of them. Thankfully, before she can say anything else, her phone rang.

"Sorry, I need to take this. It's Sherlock." She gets up and walks out the door. Here comes their thoughts on her.

"She sounds like a bitch." Andy mutters, and I don't try to defend her.

"She can be a bitch sometimes." I admit.

"I was half expecting her to pick us apart." CC admits, looking at the door.

"Well maybe she's not as good as Sherlock is." Ashley replies.

"What's so good about being like this Sherlock guy anyway? It's not like he's saved the world or anything." Jake says, sounding a little resentful. CC and Ashley gape at him.

"Do you even know what you're saying, Jake? Sherlock Holmes is probably the smartest man on the planet for fuck's sake." Ashley starts defending Sherlock like he knows him personally.

"He isn't 'probably' the smartest person. He's one of the smartest, that much is true." Tori's voice is firm. "And quite frankly, I could care less of anyone's opinion of me. Seeing as you've made your opinion of me rather clear, it would be in my best interests to avoid you and the rest of your band for most of my stay here."

"Hey, just because Andy says you sound like a bitch doesn't mean that you are one, right?" Ashley looks at her with a pout and he looks disappointed when Tori doesn't even blush.

"Whether or not he thinks that is none of my concern. However," she eyes all of them up and down for a while before speaking again. "If you think that I haven't picked you all apart by now, you're wrong. The minute I saw Andy, it wasn't too difficult to see that he's had a rough time with alcohol and cigarettes. Then I noticed little hairs at the bottom of his jeans, indicating that he has a pet. Knowing that Juliet likes cats, it isn't too much of a stretch to say that he has a pet cat that he's very fond of as well. And before any of you ask, no, I did not look any of you up on the internet. That would be a disappointment for Sherlock and Mycroft and I'd never stoop that low."

"H-how?" Andy asks, looking like he's seen a ghost. Or maybe a somewhat sociopathic 23 year old.

"Moving on," This time, she looks over at Ashley. "From the jacket alone you're obviously the bad boy of the group. Judging from how you looked when your pout didn't affect me, you're also the playboy or womanizer or whatever you want to call it. But, as with Andy, there are small hairs at the bottom of your jeans, meaning you have a pet. You don't strike me as a cat person, so I'm assuming you have a dog or two, both of whom you're rather fond of. Another thing, you probably live near the beach if the tan is anything to go by. The fact that you're wearing cowboy boots makes me think that you're from somewhere in the western part of America and that you like horses."

"Holy-" As usual, before anyone can say anything, Tori interrupts, this time, looking at Jake.

"As for Jake, he's obviously the quiet and somewhat awkward one of the group. I know this because I'm awkward as well. However, he seems to be the kind of person who ends up doing crazy things when he's with someone he's comfy with. And if my experiences with a drunk Sherlock and John are anything to go off on, I'd say he's somewhat bonkers if he's drunk or has consumed copious amounts of sugar. Like Ashley, you strike me as a dog person and have two dogs, but I think yours are of different breeds if the hair near the hemline of your jeans are anything to go by." Like Andy and Ashley, Jake stares at my cousin.

"CC, on the other hand, strikes me as the party animal of the group along with Ashley. From how the two of them expected me to 'pick them apart'," Tori makes little air quotes here and continues. "They've most likely read John's blog and wanted to stop by 221B whenever they go to London just to meet Sherlock. But back to CC, he's not just a party animal. He's also the wildest in the band. If Ashley brings most girls to their knees when he flirts with them- I'm not saying that the rest of you don't do that, you're all easy on the eye if I may say so myself- CC brings the life and fun to the party. The ultimate party duo, if I think about it. I just hope that the two of you aren't st the same party venue in London, else the city might party itself to death."

"I take it back." Ashley mutters, a grin threatening to split his and CC's faces in half. "She's just as good as Sherlock." Tori hears this and scoffs.

"Please. Sherlock can deduce your sex life within five minutes of being in the same room as you. I can't. Anyways, I think the only person I haven't shared my deductions on is Jinxx. He seems to be the sanest one in the group, and quite possibly the oldest and most mature. That's a good thing, especially with CC and Ashley. You're the most grounded one in the band, meaning you keep them out of trouble and are regarded as the mother hen of the band. You also seem to like classical music and probably plays either the violin or the piano. But you seem to be more of a violin person to me. I think you've been married once since you give off the air of a formerly married man. But I don't see a ring, so I assume the two of you got a divorce. I can go on, but it's a little obvious that you're still not over her, so I'll just shut up now." Tori finishes her deductions and the two of us look at the utterly dumbfounded (Andy and Jake), completely and happily surprised (CC and Ashley) and somewhat sad (Jinxx) faces of the five men in front of us.

"I told you so." CC and Ashley say to the other three in tandem while Tori looks at her phone once more, looking very uninterested at the five males in front of us or what they were doing.

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