I've Got a Case!

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Wattpad decided to be a bitch and delete chapter 3. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, so here's Chapter 3 Version 2.
(First Person P.o.V.: TORI)
For some reason, I was still expecting to be in my room at Baker Street. Unfortunately, I wasn't. I was in America and the heat was unbearable. So, I have two choices: Stay in here and die due to dehydration or get out and hope for something interesting to happen. Obviously I chose the latter.

"Ello Juliet. Good morning Andy, Ashley, Jake, Jinxx and CC." They may have said I was a bitch, but I could use the practice to revive my social skills.

"You're not mad?" Andy sounds incredulous that I was talking to them. Look at this lot, they're all so naïve.

"As I said yesterday, I could care less what you think of me, be it good or not. Now as it seems like nothing of interest is happening, I'll be taking my leave. Juju, I'll be back around dinner." I say, turning on my heel to leave, and quite possibly insulting them, but who cares? I need a case.
"So will you take the case?" Thank god for Gweg telling his relatives about me. In front of me is Gweg's cousin, Detective Alan McKinnon.

"Let me get this straight. Mister Amberley has been slapped with lawsuits concerning domestic violence courtesy of his ex-wives?" McKinnon nods. These Americans are no better than Anderson. Weren't they suspicious?

"He's undergone therapy in the past few years and his therapist says he's doing well, almost no outbursts of anger the whole time." Was McKinnon's answer. Hmm.

"Is it alright if we pay a visit to him?" I ask, and he nods. Ten minutes later finds us pulling up to a house that seems to be in the middle of nowhere and completely cut off from civilization.

"Ello Mr. Amberley." I greet him, and begin my deductions. Late 30s or early 40s, very well off, works from home, somewhat suspicious of others, probably a paranoid person. Heh. This case seems to be more complex than I first thought.

"It still hurts, but I need to keep my mind off the pain." He explains when I ask about the walls. Paint has a strong smell, perhaps he was trying to cover something up.

"What else can you tell me about Dr. Ernest and your wife?" He brought us to his wife's bedroom (they had separate ones... Hmm a strain on their relationship) and I noticed a discoloration on the tile floors. Bleach. McKinnon and I stayed there for the better part of the afternoon, and by the time we were done, it was already 7.

"Can you solve the case?" McKinnon asks me once we pull up to Andy and Juliet's place. I chuckle softly.

"Oh but Detective. I'm already close to solving it. It's not a simple case of eloping as you originally thought." I tell him, closing the door to the police car. Oh boy. Andy's car is no longer in the driveway, but I think Juliet's still here. I am most likely going to get an earful from her.

"Victoria Katharina Beatrice Antoine Cozerca Simms, where have you been?" She snaps. And that was an earful as she used my full name. Yep. That was my full name.

"The police station, and then we went to a client's house to get more info. Oh and by the way, I've got a case!" I chirp, grinning as I go up the stairs to my room and enter my Mind Palace. It was smaller than Sherlock's, but it would do for a case like this.

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