Chapter 13

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2nd person pov

Right after Ray left, you started jumping around and squealing. You stopped the moment you realized what you were doing. 'why the Fuck was I jumping around?' The question hit your brain. "Y/n!! There are some snacks here, Come downstairs!" Isabella yelled. "Hai!!" You yelled back as you started heading downstairs. You went straight to the kitchen seeing baked ham and some fries for everyone. You got a tiny plate and grabbed some fries and the baked ham. You go and sat down on the couch in the living room next to Phil and Gilda.

"Phil, you got sum stuff on your shirt" Gilda grabs a towel and wipes it on Phil's shirt. "thank you Gilda" Phil smiles. You finally had a bite of the food and guess what "POTATOES!? YAAASSS" You yelled as you started eating so fast. You finished your food quickly and you started eating the fries (fries are basically potatoes so uhhh, yeah, They're the same Y/n will kill someone just for potatoes)


8:11 pm
Saturday 19°

You were out taking a walk out from the streets and forests. You decided that you would just get some coffee. You go to Starbucks and purchased your coffee and a mini mango pie fit for one person. You walked to a nearby parked and sat on a bench looking up at the crescent moon. You took a sip from your coffee and took a  bite from your pie. You were thinking of maybe you would want to move to a new apartment or house. You wanted to live on your own now, you were ready but you were scared on how you're gonna tell Emma and the rest. You finished your pie and the coffee. You threw away the bag and the coffee cup and started heading back home. You reached the house and opened the door.

"Im home" You yelled. "Oh Y/n! How was the walk?" You heard Isabella say from the living room and you walked to wards her. "It was calming, the crescent moon was so pretty" The milf smiles at your response. You chose that you were gonna tell her.

"Mom, Can we talk privately? I don't want the rest to know yet" You said looking down at the ground. "Sure darling, let's talk at the backyard in the tree house". Both of you started walki g to the tree house and climbed up the stairs. You sat on the couch and Isabella next to you. "So Y/n, What did you want to talk about?" Isabella asks. "how would you react if Its time for me to move out of the house and start a new life..?" You questioned Isabella while looking down on the grou d with your hands holding each other. You leaned back at the couch resting you back. "Well, I would be happy for you. You're an adult now darling, It's time for you to make your own decisions without letting anyone stop you. It's your choice, Not mine" Isabela responds with a smile. You raised your head up to look up at Isabella.

"R-really?! I'm so glad" You smiled and gave her a hug. "when are you planning on moving out?" Isabella asks. "I'm planning on moving out.. Hmm.. Probably after the next two months. I'll have time to get ready and say goodbye to the others" You replied furrowing your eyebrows and smiling weakly.

"That's fine with me, Are you gonna be staying in an apartment or Are you planning on buying a house?"

"I'll just stay in an apartment for now"

"That's settled then, just let me know if you have any problems ok? We'll be there for you"

"Okay! I'm so happy!" You exclaimed. "well, let's get going. It's dark and you need sleep" Isabella gets up from the couch as you nodded in response. Both of you went back into the house and I to the your rooms. You flopped onto your bed and started to drift to sleep slowly.

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