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I woke up at 5:30 . It is my time to wake up usually . I saw Jimin was sleeping peacefully beside me .

Then the last night incident came in my thoughts. How he was worried.

I shouldn't do this again. Oppas and Jimin all are now sad of me.

I sighed and went to bathroom for my morning routine. This is the outfit.

Today is Sunday so let him sleep

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Today is Sunday so let him sleep. I went to canteen to give me ingredients for making chicken biryani as I am Indian.

After I came in my room. Jimin was still sleeping. Not to disturb him I went in kitchen and started the dish which is called chicken biryani as I am Indian and Jimin loves Indian food.

It's 9:30 right now and it will take time to complete this recipe as it has big process. Let's get it.

It can also be served with side dishes and I will made it after.

TIME SKIPS (current time 11:30)

And done! It's looking good. I don't know how it will taste.

When I was going to taste two hands wrapped in my waist. I flinched but I calmed down after as  it was Jimin who was back hugging me.


Very sweet smell was coming from kitchen and when saw on my left side. Y/N was not there so is she there.

Then the last incident came and I was panicking is doing something wrong.

Then I wake up and hurriedly went to kitchen but when I went I saw my princess was cooking.

Then I slowly went towards her hugged her. She flinched but calmed down.

I whisper into her ears.. Princess.

She hummed.

What are you doing in the early morning.


Early morning? I turned off the stove and turns toward him.

Really my dear baby boy. Please look at the time.

He looked and saw its 12:00.

He was now embarrassed.

Hihihihihi, sorry I don't but what did you cooked?

Chicken Biryani. I said.

Wow. The smell is so good. He said while sniffing.

Go get freshen up and call oppas too. I will say sorry for yesterday what I did. I said.

He was walking towards bathroom but stopped at his moment and turned around. He came and hugged me tightly.

Shhh. Don't think about yesterday. He said while kissing my cheeks, necks and hair.

Hmmmm. I said.

Go freshen up.


Oppas came and now we all are eating.

It's so tasty. Jungkook said.

Yes your cooking is better than Jin hyung. Hobi oppa said.

Yaah. How dare you huh. From years I am making food for you and you are giving me this? Ungrateful brats. Oppa rap goes on and on and on and on. ( just kidding)


After dinner we were sitting in the room. I think there stomach is loaded.

Jimin. I said.

Yeah. He said while little bit of burping.

Tomorrow I have school so....

Ahhh. No need to worry princess we are all set but you have to attend school for 1 or 2 weeks then the work will done. And you have your all needs in the wardrobe. He said.

OK. I said while getting up. So tomorrow I have school so I am going to sleep.

Good night Babe. I said.

He was surprised as I rarely call him by nicknames as I don't like.

Good night my doll. He said while pecking my lips.

Night oppas.



Tomorrow I have school. After few days I will not go so let's enjoy the remaining days and about depression as I am not feeling so depressed as Jimin is here with me. Suddenly there were hands wrapping around my waist and pulled me. It's Jimin.

Good night honey, princess and my baby. I love you alot. He was whispering in my ears. And a tear left my eye.

Shhh don't cry I know you are not sleeping you are just acting.

Till I didn't turn.

You are my world baby. Don't need to afraid I will help you with your problems. Hmmmm.

I suddenly turned around and hugged him tightly. Like this.

I love you

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I love you. I said and went to my dreamland as tomorrow I am having big day.

I love you too MY SWEETHEART.

(To be continued..)

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