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Waking up besides Jimin is every ARMY'S dream but got I got him first.

I looked at the watch and it was still 6:00 and my school starts from 7:30 so I wake up.

I gave Jimin a forehead peck and went to bathroom for my morning routine.

Jimin is deep sleeper so he will not move.

After doing my morning routine. I was getting ready for school and I have half and hour time.

I decided to make breakfast.

My breakfast is bread and butter.

And now I had got ready for the school.

I saw Jimin was still sleeping. I went towards him and give him a long peck on his forehead.

Bye Baby. I will miss you. I whispered in his ears.

I wrote a note and kept beside night stand.

I went out of the hotel to catch a taxi. I don't want to take driver because I don't want to show off to other people's.

While sitting in taxi I was thinking about the changes happened in my life in past few days. Jimin's coming,mom and dad knowing about me and him and my depression and anxiety had grown less. I am feeling happy but when I think about my parents I felt like crying my heart out.

I looked at my left wrist and saw marks on it.


At school.

I went inside my class. Everyone was shocked to see me because I was smiling.

Then my best friend came.

Congratulation Y/N for scoring good. Some of my friends said.

Oh my God.. Y/N What happened? Are you okay ? Ava said.

Yeah I am okay. I said while smiling lightly.

Congrats bestie. You scored so good.

Then my mind went to that day how my parents beat me. How I was begging them to not to beat me.

I came out of my thought.

Ava doesn't no about how my parents treat me at home. I didn't even tell her I have boyfriend and also that my boyfriend is none other than Park Jimin of BTS. My chain of thoughts came to end when Ava shakes me little.

Where are you lost Y/N. Ava asked me worried was there in her eyes.

Nowhere I am just thinking of I worked hard and got here. I smile little.

She was shocked.

Oh my God... I am so happy that you are smiling bestie. She said while hugging.

Then the teacher came and we went to our seats.



I woke up at 9:30 and wished I would kisses by my princess but she is not beside.y eyes shot open and started panicking.

But suddenly my eyes felt on night stand and there was a note on it.

Good morning baby,
I am going to school so don't need to worry about. I thought not to disturbed you as you were sleeping so peacefully, so I let you be. Sorry I didn't made breakfast for you.
              Yours Princess❤️

I calmed down after reading the note. Then I remembered that I have to visit somewhere today... I did my morning routine quickly and went to dining area and saw the other members were also there.

Good morning guys. I said while sitting.

Good morning they all said.

Where are going Jimin? Jin hyung said.

I am going to Y/N school.

We will also go maknae line said.

But why are you going? Namjoon hyung asked.

Hyung about the transfer certificate related documents .

But you know it's dangerous outside. Suga hyung said while drinking americano.

Yeah but don't worry we will take bodyguards hyung Taehyung said.


Okay I will also come hobi hyung said.

Okay. But please be ready fast. I am running late.

Okay and they all went to get ready.
After few minutes all of them came.

Let's go. Jungkookie said.

We sat in our car and went to her school. I am angry on her that she can wake me up but no she didn't so lets suprise her.


TIME SKIP ( at school)
Recess period.

I had my tiffin right now and was washing hands. And there I saw three cars were there in the ground.

Who came to our school? I asked Ava.

I don't know. Let's go and see.

We went towards the crowd as there students had gathered around the cars.

Suddenly some bodyguards came out of car to check the surroundings. Then few mens came out in casual wears and were wearing masks.

They removed masks and I gasped.

( to be continued...)

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