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I ignored all of them and went to principals chamber for getting my locker ans schedule.

This school is pretty big from inside.

After getting my schedule I went to my respected class.

The bodyguards were always with me.

When I entered the class all the students were looking at me. I bowed at them and went to sit at the last bench.

The teacher had not yet come. I looked around the class and it was pretty cool.

I loved the classroom. Then suddenly a girl came to me.

Hi. Are you new here? The new girl asked.

Yes from India. What is your name? I asked.

Minji. Park Minji.

Oh myself Kim Y/N.

Can we become friends. While pulling out her hands for hand shake.

Yeah sure. Why not.

Then the teacher.I introduced myself to all class.


My first day of school went well. I made a sweet girl my friend no one came to bully me. Everything was fine I loved it here. I didn't told Minji about Jimin because I still have trust issues.

I went to the dorm.

I was welcomed by silence. That I don't like. They all went to company.

One maid and said Y/N Jimin had told me to give you lunvh.

OK ajjumah.

I went to my room to changed and messaged Jimin that I reached home .

After coming from washroom I saw that the the message was not seen. I think he is busy I went down stairs to eat something and watched netflix.

After 2 hours ajjumah came to me and said Y/N I am going to grocery shopping do you want something?

No ajjumah. Come home soon.

I was feeling lonely as none was there.

It was 6:00 so I went to do my homework.

One hour had passed but bone came. I am feeling scared. In this big house how can I feel safe.

I was having panic attack. Those memories were coming to my mind.

I can't breathe.. Please help....

Soon I heard a honking outside so I went downstairs and saw Jimin and all oppas had arrived...

They were searching for me but I was standing on stairs and soon black out. And the last thing I heard is...



I was thinking how she will feel lonely in that big house.

Jimin we had reached.. Hoseok hyung said while shaking me little.

I quickly get down the car with everyone.

When we all went inside the house I was searching for my doll..

But soon we heard a loud thud. And I saw that my baby had fainted.

I shouted Princess. But soon she fall down and got hit on her forehead.


Wake up baby.. I patted her cheeks but nothing worked.

Please someone call the f*cking doctor. I shouted as everyone was shocked what happened as Y/N is there sister.

Jimin take her to there room and placed her on the bed. Soon the doctor and he told them to wait outside the room till he check up.

After 30 minutes the doctor came out and they bombard him with the questions.

Guys let the doctor speak. Namjoon said.

She is now ok but she was having panic attack when she fainted.

Panic attack but why doctor? Jimin said.

Doctor sighed and then said let's go to hall and talk.

We quietly follow him and sat down.

So Mr.Park she is suffering from severe depression. Her mental health is not good. I can see that she didn't harm herself like but cutting her wrist or something like that but she scratched her body with nails.

Members were shocked. They all were feeling that they couldn't understand their precious sister and Jimin he was doubting himself that if he is a good boyfriend.

Doctor again started. You should all get her a psychiatrist and therapist before it goes further.

She can wake up in few minutes so take care of her and this is the medicine. Take care.

Let me escorts you Mr.Kang(the doctor). Namjoon said.

Yeah sure.

Hyung.. He said while crying. I failed to protect her. I am such a bad boyfriend.

Suddenly there were throwing sounds coming from her room.

Everyone eyes widened in horror.

Jimin was the first to run. When they open they were shocked what was happening.

Y/N was screaming and scratching her body whole body she was looking like mad person.

Jimin quickly went and hugged her.

Baby stopped. Please stop. He was requesting her while hugging her tightly.

Jiminah what happened? Why are you crying and hugging me and why is the room so untidy. And why is my body paining so much.

Jimin I don't remember anything. What happened to my forehead. I said.

They all were shocked.

Nothing Babe you falled from stairs and fainted. Go and sleep.

OK then. Please cuddle with me Minie. Good night oppa I said while smiling.

Go.. Od.. Night... They all said and went ou so fast.

They are weird but anyway let's cuddle.

While cuddling I slept.

Jimin left me and went to others.

They all were sitting ib the living room with.

Hyung.. We need to see doctor she is.. I bursted out crying.

All of them hugged me. Don't worry hyung everything will be fine. Jungkook said. Yes Jimin you have to be strong. All of them said.

Jimin there is Mrs. Shin who is the best psychiatrist is Korea. I will book an appointment for her and she will come home.

OK.... I hope everything will be fine.

(to be continued... )

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