chapter 26: "i didnt know you cared"

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Berk is out of surger a few hours later but aslep. the hospital isnt to far from the schoool so me and jasmine walk to school. Brok stays at the hosptial.

Since this all happene so early, i've only missed half of my cheistry lesson.

"late grammarly" says mr brown in a harsh tone when i arive

after the morning - no, past few days - i've had, it takes al my self restraint not to slam mr brown in the face with my textbook . "Sir" i say in low voice "my stepbrother got shot. so forgive me if geting to my chemistry class wasnt my top priority this morning"

Mr brown look taken back for a second . then he nods. "remember come see me at lunch" he say gruffly befor gesturing for me to sit

ugh, i forgot about thatt!

"right, class" he say then goes on to explain boring chemistry stuff

I notice heather lookat me for a second. then look away.

Satan is at our desk. I swallow dread in my stomak. great! exactly what i need

but when i sit down, he give me look of concern "herd berk got shot"

"i didnt kno you cared" i mutter, taking out my stuff from my bad

he gives me a look "grammarly"

i sigh deeply "he's alive, if thats what your asking"

satan nods slightly. its so atractive i have to look away!!

"do yo know who shot him? " i ask. "it wasn't one of-"

"mine?" Satangives me a hollow smile "no. but ther was a big fight last night. i was there"

i blink "did you see-"

he shaek his head like milkshake "i didnt see berk,but i saw some razor snakes get attacked"

"by who? mildly spicy peppers?"

"i didnt recognise them"

i frown slightly "is that unusaly''

he shrugs like a sexyrug "not liek i know the face of every gang mem ber then he pauses "but it is unusal for me not to recognise a group of them, espcially when their such god fighter

silver wolves, i think to myself grimly. has to be!!!!

"were you" i hesitate "were you.. and others ok?"

Satan looks away "few cuts and bruises, nothing to bad . but it could hav been much worse"

I start taking notes. its hard to be so close to satan. the last time we were this close, his lips were on mine. i bite my lip. can i eve kis him again? how cruel for him to giv me a taste before saying it could neve work. it only make me hungrier for him!! help!

What would hapen if i told Satan the truth?

I want to beleive that he'd see this: that im capable, That im not going to be scare off like a lamb. That i can look after myself. I know his world, i can understan him. we're more similar than he realized.

But the Silver wolves are notorioes. he could turn on me and i would loose him complete. he could see me as the enemy . and that would hurt mor than anything.

for now, he cant know.


mr brown dimised the class but me and heather had to stay behind. He crosses arm and looks at us sternly like an old man "so girls ihope you have had time to reflect on youre appalling bheavior!!!"

we both nod meek

"Youre punishment wil be to to help clean after school everyday next week"

ugh great

Heather cries "but sir you cant keep us after school. and anywa grammarly started it. she's insane, vicosly attaking me-"

"from where i was standing you seem to be rather vicios yourself" Mr brown levells her with a cool look "and would you rasther I involve Principal Charles, Heather?"

her shoulders drop like rolercoaster "no sir "she mutters

mr brown gives me a look "any argument from you grammarly?"

i shake my head wordles not wanting to face any of his wrath

He gives us both a pleasant smile "In that case you are both dismised

then he raises an eyebrows"and grammarly- that tutoring?"

"on it mr brow" i mutter as i leave

boy i really do ned to talk to brok about tutoring me oitherwise mr brown wil probably throw me into a volcano or soemthing!!!!!!! that man is scary!! (but hot anyway

i get to lunch quick. i arive same time as jas she gives me a tired smile. we walk to our usual table. jorge and asda are alredy ther. i look at them fondly from afar. my frends i lov them

when we get there Jorge leeps to his feet like a gay kangaro"mi amor mi amor!!!" he screches as he puls jasmine into a huge hug. he clutches her hard like hes a clam and shes a pearl. she goes slight red liek she cant breathe. "i got your text!! are YOU OK!!"

what is he french now?

as jorghe sufocates jasmine, asda gives me a gentle smile. "you ok?

I nod.

finaly jorge lets go of jasmine with a pop and they both sit down.

"if it's ok, "say jasmin "i'd really like to to talk about something not berk related. or hospital related or gun related . any distractio is welcome"

"oh" say Jorge with a big twinkle star in his eye "wel in that case i think asda has som news for you"

Asda blushes "i saw bender lastnight" she says ducking head down shyly, which is unsual for herr

Me and jasmine squeel "omg asda!!"

"he turn up at my house and taek me on date" she say "and i was bored so i went, but actualy it was good and im going to se him again!"

"come on" i nudge her with a sly smile like a fox "ther must be more detail than that"

Asda's cheeks turn pink like flowersb"well, we may have kised a few times"

Jasmine and Jorge smile and keep askin questions. i smile too but cant help feling slightly jelous. i also kissed someone, but for me it is jus sad. Because he wont be with me. He wont acept my feelings. He is a damaged, broken sad boy!!

But he is my damaged, brokensad boy. And i want nothin more than to take the pieces of him and put them back together, like peices of a smashes vase. but he won't let me. he is distant, a wall is up. and i dont know how to get him to take it down

"oh by the way" jasmine's voice pierces my thots "you're all coming to my party on friday"

Jorge looka t her concerned "are you sure your up for it"

Jasmine nods determind "yes. asda, bring bender" then she looks at me "and grammarly, bring your brothers"

I blink in suprise "brok and berk?"

She nods. "it's about time i face him. you were right grammarly. i want to be happy and he makes me happy even if im scared i cant let it rule my life

I smile "im glad jasmine"

If only satan could rech this relisation, i think to me


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