Schools Out

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I stared at the clock for hours, today was the most longest day ever even though it was the last day of term, it felt like a thousand years! Sitting in chemistry just made my day even worse, I hate chemistry and I just wanted to get outta here.

I spent the whole day thinking of Zoey and I's trip, we were going to stay at the cabins for the holidays and I am so so excited. My family and I always go cabbing every winter season and it's honesty so much fun, but these holidays my mum finally let me go by myself with Zoey, and I can't wait.

It's 2:50 I am so ready to go home, school finishes at 3:00pm and I have only 10 minutes left, oh my goodness can the day just end already?

Zoey and I met in grade 7, we both made it to grade 10 this year and having her by my side made my life so much better. I am an only child and let me tell you how lonely I was, my family always forced me to go everywhere with them and do everything with them, their so annoying! I'm so glad i turned 16 this year even though it's not really an important age I think it is and mum and dad are finally letting me do things on my own which is good so I don't always feel like a baby.

As soon as the clock hit 3:00 I looked over at Zoey and both knew it was definitely time to hurry out of the classroom and find the nearest bus back to my house.

A NOT SO PERFECT WINTERWhere stories live. Discover now