Bill Return

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The twins are now 17 there 18th birthday coming up they chose to visit there family and friends back in gravity falls.

Dipper and Mabel get off the bus to see all of their friends and family waiting for them. Mabel and Dipper hugged Ford and Grunkle Stan Mabel stayed behind to talk to all of her friends but Dipper took his bags and headed for the mystery shack. he headed to his old room and started unpacking all of the old memories he had at this place came flooding back. Dipper wondered what would happen if Bill came back. After unpacking and the long trip he felt tired so he fell asleep.

dippers pov:
I fell asleep and I was having a terrible nightmare I started to walk around in the forest to find a statue of Bill and once I saw it the statue started to glow and then cracks appeared on it slowly it started to crumble leaving a human that looked around the same age as dipper with black hair most diyed yellow close to gold wearing a black top hat, a black shirt, a yellow suit, a bow tie, and black formal pants. the man said "see you soon pine tree~" and then I woke up panting. I thought about all of the ways he could have escaped like if someone made a deal with him somehow or who knows what tricks that dorito had up his sleeve. From that day on I had that same nightmare until mine and Mabels birthday. Mabel wanted to have a big party and invite everyone in the town to the shack I said sure and let her plan it all and so yesterday she put up all the decorations got Grunkle Stan to pick out a cake cause she wanted it to be a surprise. She had a table for gifts a table for the cake tables for people to sit. I have to say Mabel went all out she even made a dance floor, speakers, ect. she had a party planning business so I guess that helps her. she sent out invitations last week so everyone knew by now.

time of party:
The party was going great everyone was having a fun time I just sat at one of the tables happy Mabel was having the time of her life dancing and singing with her friends. She had made a new friend Sammy him and his family moved in last year he seems to have a grudge against me though. Everyone in the town was here so when the door opened everyone turned around to see that same figure in my dream."BILL!"

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