8. Real Dates.

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Nadi Airport, Fiji

It was just after noon by the time the crew finally reached their destination. And no matter how many different time zones she's been to in the last few years, Summer can never get used to the fact that they're 16 hours ahead and it's a completely different day than at home.

Summer was one of the first of the crew members to leave the plane once all of the passengers deplaned because she wasn't on the list to perform any of the final safety checks. And she was glad because she absolutely hates doing safety checks.

She finally turned her phone back on as she walked through the airport and connected to the airport's WiFi so she could check her notifications. It was filled with the usual. Emails, a few missed phone calls, Instagram notifications, and text messages. However, one text message from an unknown number caught her eye in particular.

Told you I'd remember ;)

She knew it was Joanna, and she had indeed remembered her number after only saying it once. Summer loved the message, but didn't get a chance to actually reply because she heard her name being called from behind her.

"Summer! Girl, slow down!"

"What's up Alena?" She turned around and it was the same woman from that morning. Summer quickly found out that she likes to talk. A whole lot.

"Girl, you walk fast as hell," Alena laughed.

"Just trying to hurry up and get to baggage claim because the customs and immigration line is always long at this time of day."

"Can we walk together? Since we're going to the same place?"

"Sure," she answered. And a large part of her wanted to also add, 'only if you don't talk too much.' But of course, she didn't.

"I checked and the weather looks amazing for the next couple of days. The girl you're replacing is really missing out."

"I'm sure she had a good reason to not be able to work this trip."

"Between just you and me, I heard she's pregnant," Alena whispered as if anyone in the busy airport cared what they were talking about.

"I don't know why that would matter. And it's also none of my business if she's pregnant or not."

"They're saying her baby daddy is one of the captains and he wants nothing to do with her or the kid cause he's married. We all know these bitches are fucking around with married pilots, but at least don't be dumb enough to get pregnant."

"Again, that sounds like her business. Not mine."

"You always so quiet?" The woman pressed her.

"I just don't like getting involved in other people's personal lives."

"Me neither," Alena agreed, causing Summer to almost laugh out loud.

"Mmhm," she just hummed, hoping the woman would get the hint that she wanted to stop talking.

"So... Joanna," Alena started.

'My God, what the hell does this woman want from me?' Summer thought.

"What about her?"

"I saw you guys talking this morning. Are you guys like... friends?"

"Not really," Summer answered very truthfully.

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