2. One Night Stand.

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Summer Brown

Summer woke up to an empty bed that Saturday morning. Usually, that would be normal for her. But after the night she had, she was hoping that her guest would have spent a little bit of time with her before leaving. She was hoping that they might have breakfast together, and have a conversation past the very basic one they'd shared that night. And if not that, Summer hoped she'd at least have said something or let her know she was leaving instead of just disappearing.

Summer wouldn't have felt any kind of way if the woman had left right after they, well, yuh know. But the fact that she had fallen asleep in her bed, holding onto Summer in a way she hasn't been held in a very long time made her feel some type of way about waking up to a cold, empty bed. She just laid her head flat against her pillows and looked up at the popcorn ceiling of her bedroom as she pieced together the events of her very spontaneous and drunken night.

She went out with some friends, for no particular reason other than they all happened to be free at the same time in a while and thought that warranted getting dressed up and going out for drinks. Only 'drinks' ended them up at a nightclub a few blocks away from Summer's apartment where they all ended up getting wasted from the free drinks both men and women offered to buy them.

"Joanna..." Summer whispered. The woman's name still wouldn't leave her head, even after her presence was long gone as if she'd never been there at all.

She doesn't remember every single part of her night, but she still vividly remembers her. She was a bit older, that much Summer knew without knowing exactly how old she was. She was beautiful too. She had thick curly hair that was pulled up to show off her high cheekbones, beautiful almond-shaped eyes, perfectly arched brows, and full lips.

Those lips. She remembers her lips the most actually. And her hands. And the more Summer replayed their night in her head, the more she remembered about what exactly they had done in the very bed she was still lying naked in under the sheets.

Joanna was very gentle, and tender, and almost... loving. It was unlike another other hookup Summer has ever had before. It wasn't just a quick nut and leave sort of thing. Even drunk, she took her time with Summer. She didn't rush anything. She took her time with Summer as if she already knew her and that wasn't their first time ever interacting.

She wondered if that was something Joanna did often, picking up women from clubs. Joanna was smooth-talking and extremely charming, so it made sense to her why she could make Summer feel so special, just to up and disappear before she even woke up.

'I'm Joanna,' she had leaned in real close to Summer and practically whispered it in her ear, causing a sort of shiver to go down her spine. 'What's your name, beautiful?'

'I'm... Summer,' she felt nervous answering for some reason. She's usually good at this type of thing. Flirting, that is. But Joanna had her all flustered, even after she couldn't remember how many drinks. And Joanna's sweet, yet very addictive, scent of orange blossom, patchouli, and vanilla warmed Summer's senses, making her instinctively lean into the woman even more.

'That's a really pretty name, Summer. Almost as pretty as you,' Joanna gently swiped her thumb across Summer's cheek.

'You think I'm pretty?' She blushed.

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