02. no turning back

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We all sat around the table looking at the dead rat and the note that came with it. It took all I had to not puke.

"And they were not able to find anyone on the estate grounds?" Alessandra asked as she paced back and forth looking at the rodents corpse. Her short brown locks waving side to side.

"Nina said that one of the maids found it," I answered as I played with the ends of my robe. Dante narrowed his eyes at my anxious hands and reached out, holding them in his and giving me a reassuring smile.

"We interrogated all the maids and if they knew anything they would have said something," Dante said. We all knew what he meant by 'interrogated'.

"Someone cannot just vanish into thin air," Alessandra placed both her hands on the wooden table, examining the note with a frustrated look in her eyes.

"Unless it's a ghost," Vincenzo's voice echoed through the room as he stepped inside.

Dante lifted a brow. "What do you mean a ghost?"

Vincenzo threw some pictures on the table and Dante reached over to examine them. Most of them were blurry and nothing could be seen clearly. Dante's breathe hitched as his eyes narrowed at one of the photos.

       "It can't be," he murmured and I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

I plucked the photograph from him. Standing near the empty woods was none other than Santos. My eyes widened as my gaze met his. He was looking straight at the camera with a wicked smile.

"B-But Anastasia assured us he was dead. We found his body," I said in disbelief.

Vincenzo crossed his arms over his chest. His large muscles protruding the black dress shirt he had on. He wore a serious expression as he ran his thumb over his stubble.

"We found ashes and a limb," Vincenzo corrected. "And for all we know, that Russian bitch could've been siding with the enemy all along."

"If she were siding with him, why would she let him kill her husband?" Dante asked.

There were too many unanswered questions.

"We should call Esmeralda," I suggested, but Vincenzo was quick to shut the idea down.

"She could be part of this too," he sighed. "We must figure this out on our own. No one must know about this until we are sure what happened that night."

       Alessandra reached forward and gently rubbed Vincenzo's shoulder trying to ease his frustration. He turned to his wife and offered her a small smile which she returned.

       A moment of silence fell upon us as we tried to plan our next move. Then suddenly, a low beeping interrupted the quiet. All four of us turned to one another with confused expressions.

       "You guys hear that right?" I asked and they nodded.

       Vincenzo's eyes widened as if he had just seen a ghost. "Duck! It's a bomb!" He yelled as he grabbed a hold of his wife and pushed her onto the floor.

       Dante grabbed my hand and we launched behind the couch. A large flame erupted from the box, ripping apart the dead rat. Despite its small size, the explosion was large and disintegrated the table and chairs around it.

       We stood up coughing out the smoke we had inhaled. Our guards arrived within a matter of seconds.

       "Boss, ma'am are you alright?" Tomas who was the head of the guards asked as he helped us up. The room was covered in ash. 

       "We are fine," I assured.

       "Alessandra wake up, wake up!" Vincenzo hovered over Alessandra's unconscious body. There was blood dripping down her forehead.

       "Does she have a pulse?" Dante asked as he rushed to Vincenzo's side. He knelt down beside his sister and wrapped two fingers around her wrist. "It's weak, but it's there."

       "W-What's going on?" Alessandra asked dazed. The two men helped her up, but Alessandra winced in pain as she clutched onto her abdomen. "Vincenzo, the baby!"

       We stared in horror as Alessandra let out a loud shriek of pain. My heartrate started to rise as the sight brought back long buried memories. I gripped onto my chest trying to steady my breathing.

       "We need to get her to the hospital," Vincenzo said as he picked Alessandra up bridal style.

       "I'll go with you," Dante said but Alessandra grabbed onto his arm and shook her head.

       "Y-You and Samantha h-have to get to New Y-York," Alessandra said as she took in deep breathes.

       Dante shook his head. "I cannot leave you and I will not flee cowardly."

       Alessandra gripped onto Dante's shirt, twisting it from how hard she was holding it.

       "I-If you don't l-leave, they will k-kill her," she said this time with a more serious and demanding tone. Her brown eyes turned to me. "Find C-Caterina and stay there u-until we tell you. Go!"

       The building rattled once more. It was another explosion but this time it came from another room. Vincenzo quickly ran out with Alessandra in arms. Dante grabbed onto my hand and we rushed behind them. We did not even get the chance to bid them farewell as we were ushered into a separate van. Tomas sped down the road.

       I looked back and found the once beautiful estate burning up in flames. I could feel a tear roll down my cheek as I placed my head on Dante's shoulder.

       "Everything is going to be alright," Dante assured as he gave my hand a slight squeeze, however he did not seem too confident in his words.

I looked out at the dark road. Everything was not going to be okay. We were being chased by the undead and worst of all we were headed back to New York. To my past — to where Brian was.

Author's Note Here is chapter 2 of Forbidden Redemptions! Alessandra is preggers! Not only that, Dante and Sam are headed back to New York! We have only just started and the drama is already at an all time high

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Author's Note
Here is chapter 2 of Forbidden Redemptions! Alessandra is preggers! Not only that, Dante and Sam are headed back to New York! We have only just started and the drama is already at an all time high. What do you guys think will happen next?

Thank you all so much for reading. Please leave a vote, comment and share if you enjoyed. I will see you all next Wednesday with two more chapters. I'll see you then my lovelies!
Xoxo, Liz 💋💋💋

Song: Blood // Water - grandson

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