27. back to square one

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"I could have walked to my room," I whined as Dante sat me down on the large bed. He placed a small pillow under my bandaged leg.

       "Not with your foot injured, amore mio (my love)," Dante replied.

       "Please don't call me that," I retorted as I adjusted the pillows behind me.

       Dante turned to look at me and sighed. He took a seat on the small sofa near me. He reached over to grab my hand but I quickly moved it away.

       "It was never my intention to hurt you," he said. "Yes, I kept things from you and for that I apologize. But Sam, how was I supposed to let you go after you promised you would love me. That is the only reason I did not tell you about Brian looking for you."

       "What about my baby?" I asked with a cold glare. "Why didn't you tell me the real reason behind my miscarriage?"

       "I was protecting you. I was going to tell you, but that night you got drunk and I realized that if I told you who was truly responsible you would do much worse," Dante argued. "I knew you would go find Santos the minute you found out he was responsible."

"I blamed myself Dante!" I yelled and Dante jumped back startled, but I did not care. "I deserved to know the truth! I thought it was my fault that my baby had died! But no, it was your enemy that killed the most precious thing I had!"


"It was your war not mine," I seethed. "My baby was innocent in all of this. If you had only let me stay in New York, I could have had my family. You bastards took that from Dante. You and Santos."

Dante looked at me with a hurt expression. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he diverted his gaze.

"I am sorry, Bella," Dante whispered. "I will forever be sorry."

"Being sorry won't bring my child back," I sassed. "Now, please leave me alone."

"I will go, but you must stay here," Dante replied. "I will not let you leave this time. Santos already tried taking your life last night and he will not stop."

I remained silent and Dante sighed in defeat. I heard as his soft steps left my bedroom and I jumped out of the bed.

"Fuck," I whined as the pain in my leg returned. I mustered all my strength and walked over to where my bag was.

I plucked out the burner phone inside and dialed Brian's number. He picked up after the second ring.

"My love?"

"Hey babe," I sank onto the couch next to me. "I just wanted to let you know that I am back at the Villanueva mansion."

"Did Dante go looking for you?"

I shook my head. "Not exactly. Santos found me and one thing led to another, so I will be staying here until we kill Santos."

"I understand," Brian replied. "I am just glad to know that you are safe. I love you."

"I love you, too," I replied with a smile. "Now, tell me. How have things been for you?"

Brian began to explain to me the events that happened to him these past two days. I let his voice distract me from the pain and listened attentively. Somehow, just the the sound of his voice washed away my worries and the sadness of Bernard's death.


I stood on the other side of the doors listening to Samantha's muffled giggles. Her voice held a sweet, loving tone and I could not help but feel jealous.

"I will not let that goody-two shoes take you away from me," I mumbled as I began to make my way to the living room.

"How is she?" Alessandra asked as I walked in. Vincenzo was standing behind her.

"Her leg will heal quickly, but there will be some minor scarring," I replied.

"At least she is alive," Vincenzo said.

"Alive but filled with hatred," I grumbled.

Caterina raised a brow. "How did you expect her to react? You kept so many things from her."

"I only did it because I loved her!" I barked as the frustration building up inside finally burst free.

"No Dante," Caterina replied as she stalked toward to me. "You are obsessed with the idea of love. You want to be loved so bad that you will let your obsession blind you from the truth. Samantha does not love you, she never will as long as Brian is in the picture. Why can't you just let her be happy?"

"Just by her a large, big diamond and she'll get over it," Vincenzo replied nonchalant and Alessandra elbowed him.

Caterina face-palmed herself. "Idiota (idiot)."

"Or buy her something that will show that you truly do love her," Alessandra replied. "Something thoughtful."

I tapped my chin as I tried to think of the perfect gift. A smile slowly broke out on my lips as I remembered what Samantha once wished for.

"I've got it," I grinned.

       "I've got it," I grinned

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Author's Note
So... this is a little filler chapter. Not much going on just that Sam and Dante are back to being enemies, but do you think Dante will get on her good side again? And what is he planning on gifting her? Let me know your thought in the comments. The next chapter will also be a short one, but fret not, the final showdown is coming. As I am wrapping up this book, I can't help but feel proud at how far it has come. Thank you to all of you who have been here since the starts and of course those who have joined along the way. Next chapter will be out tomorrow morning and I promise it will be the last really short chapter. Thank you!
Xoxo, Liz

Song: Queen - Loren Gray

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