Part - 4

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(Sooha POV)

As soon as I came to my senses, First thing was this headache, like I never before got any headache like this,
Second thing was A Dream, very vivid, like it really happened that I kissed my neighbour, though he was good looking but still, I don't know, it was real or not.
His lips was so soft. Maybe it's real but I don't know what happened with me. I wake up with familiar ringtone on my phone, I slowly only opened my one eye, someone put phone infront of my face and I heard someone Shouting 'Happy Birthday ' , I don't even remember that today is my birthday or not. But I said something and cut the call.

Slowly, slowly that pill I was taken started working and my headache become more bearable. And I opened my eyes, in an unfamiliar surroundings, seeing someone starring at me, My neighbour, Kim Bum.

' You, okay now? Last night....'

'What, happened last night ?' I cut his words and asked.

' You spend your last night, here in my guest room, we sleep togather, here. ' he said seriously, crossing his arms on his chest.

'And...'  I asked. Looks like that kiss was real. Or this guy - is dropping the Details.

He suddenly go inside the other room, and brings some pages and gave it to me, when I saw them , my words choke inside my throat, and leftover sleep vanishes from my eyes. Those pages, they were those missing pages, I lost when moving my house, they are so important to me, because they were drawn by most important person in my life. Suddenly my head is started to ache more and I feel like I'm going to throw up.

'I know it was you, who was stalking me, sticking those pages on my door, every day, It was you. '
Kim Bum's voice was now angry and it's volume was increasing.

'No, I'm not, because these pages, these pages, I would never given to anyone. Because.....' I suddenly feel very uneasy. 'These, pages, they're so important for me, when I lost it, you don't know how it feels, I feel like a part of mine get lost.' I  started crying.

" Okay, Ok calm down. Looks like there has been a misunderstanding.  What are you talking about " he suddenly got confused and asked.

"These pages, were made by my older brother, My Oppa, he left our house 6 months ago, without telling anyone, Not leaving any traces where he gone, nobody contacted him on his phone. I don't know he is alive or not. He just left like he was never with me. These pages, he draw for me everyday when he was with me. I lost them when I moved my house. " While sobbing I explained him.

"I don't know these pages are so important , otherwise I don't blame you, but somedays before you moved here, everyday when I wake up and go out , I found those pages stuck to my door, When I visited your house first time, I, found drawings similar to this In your room.' Kim Bum pointed to pages,
' After giving some thought, I thought it was your doing, but when that night I saw you working, I got so confused over this thing, but Now I think that the person who stole your pages maybe my stalker?'

' Maybe he also stole my drawings  ?' - I answered, but I started feeling so nauseous. 'can we talk about this later ? I'm still not feeling well, I want to go to my house and sleep little more.' I try to get up but my body feel so tired, Kim bum supported me to get up, with his help I get up , took my belongings, went to his door.

' Wait, can you give me your number, so I can check on you ?' he asked me.

' Give me your number I call on your number .' I said to him.

He spoke his number, I dialled his number, his phone started ringing, but he cut the call and saved my number. I left his house and went to mine. I found big gift box infront of my door. I entered my passcode and went in and after putting my phone and jacket inside I came back and get that box.

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