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(Ryu sung hoon POV)

After leaving Library, I reached to parking lot in my car. I get in and close the door. Thank God, my car has tinted glasses. I put my bag and books on next seat and sighed and closed my eyes. Seriously what's wrong with girls here. Again to a student asked me out. When I rejected her, she started sobbing. Why didn't they get that I am not interested in this thing, this is totally wrong. Suddenly I heard someone opening door of car next to mine. And heard sound of it's window opening. I was so exhausted but because of sound I open my eyes. That car was belong to Miho. She was wearing mask. She put things on next seat and removed her mask. Her lips, face and neck has red marks. Her lips are also has little swelling. She checked all in rearview mirror and drove away from parking lot. I also got curious, so I started my car and followed her.

After few turns, Miho stopped near a pharmacy. She gets in. After few seconds she came back with brown bag and drove away. I remember I also need some things for first aid, so I also entered in it. At the pharmacy, a lady with white coat was at counter. I told her about things I need for first aid. I remember I also need some things for first aid, so I also entered in it. At the pharmacy, a lady with white coat was at counter. I told her about things I need for first aid. She gave me stuff to go into first aid kit and said if there is anything else you need. I said no because all things she gave, it was enough for basic first aid. Then I asked her that what that girl that entered before me bought. She started giving me suspicious looks. Then I told her that she was old friend of mine, and I know her pretty well. So after she give me medicine, she told me that , that girl has some insect bites, poor girl's lips have some swelling too. She told me she gave her good ointment and some pills for it. I thanked her and walked away from the store and get in my car and drove away.

(Miho POV)

When I left college, I saw that car with tinted glass followed me till I get in to pharmacy. I don't know who is it's owner. I showed my insect bites to lady in pharmacy, she gave me ointment and some pills for them and instructed me to how to take pills. Then I left the pharmacy. That car was there when I get in my car. I stopped after driving little, I saw Ryu Sung Hoon to get out of car. It makes me really mad, why he is following me like some stalker. I got out when I arrived at my house. I eat some of food cooked by our cook and after taking medicines I went to library to search for some book to read. I don't want to read any law books so I searched some romance novels. I also spotted some fantasy novels but I left them for next time. I went to library to search for some book to read. I don't want to read any law books so I searched some romance novels. I also spotted some fantasy novels but I left them for next time. While I was taking out books, some are very high on shelf so I took out one stool, get on it but it didn't look trustworthy to me. It hold my weight but I think it'll not hold back if someone else get on it. So I got down from stool and searched for another one but it was worst than this . I tried to drag desk but it didn't budge an inch. So I used the first stool carefully to reach higher shelf but I was so scared from it creaking sound so I get down from it. I took mental note to change stools which looks like it going to break if anyone use it. I only took some books which were closer to me. And I left the library.

(Ryu Sung Hoon POV)

(After some days)

It was really long day, I just reached home. But suddenly remember that I need some books to prepare for my next lecture. I searched all my books but I couldn't find what I was searching. I was wondering where would I got those books while changing my clothes. After thinking so much I remembered Judge Lee told me that he has library in his house and I can use it. So I again put on my shirt which I was going to change and reached his house. I knock the door, an old lady opened the door and welcomed me. I asked her about library. She said Mr Lee instructed her that when I want to borrow any book from library, I can without any hesitation. She showed me way to library. I went there. It was really big and it looked like it has every book I need. So I took some books from lower shelf but some was so high. So I took one of stool and get on it. While taking books from there I heard loud cracking sound and next minute I lost my balance and fell from it. I was expecting to hit floor but someone catched me and I fell on that person.

(Miho POV)

When I get back from college, the old lady, who works for us as cook was cooking something delicious because whole house filled with it's smell. I go to my room and put my bag in it and washed my face and changed into comfortable tshirt and pyjama and get back to dining hall to eat. When I set on table, that lady informed me that professor Ryu is in library to get some books. It reminds me that those stools must be changed or someone will hurt by falling from it. So I told her to serve me later and went to library.

As soon as I reached near library I heard huge cracking sound of wood tearing. I entered library and I saw Professor stood on one of stools, and it can't hold his weight so it fall apart and he was falling. I ran and tried to caught him. I somehow succeed but while catching him, I forgot about that huge desk. So my shoulder hit it's edge. My eyes were opened but I can see only blackness. I tried to get up but I can't. Suddenly I feel someone supported me to get up.

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