Vampire next door - 3

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(Eunha POV)

Lee Dong Wook led me through a maze of hallways, each turn revealing another grand corridor or an ornately carved doorway. The sheer size of the mansion was overwhelming, a testament to a life steeped in history and a wealth I couldn't even begin to comprehend. 

My eyes widened with each new room we entered.  A library overflowing with leather-bound tomes whispered of forgotten knowledge. A grand hall, complete with a polished marble floor and crystal chandeliers, spoke of opulent gatherings held in a bygone era.  There was a music room where a grand piano sat gathering dust, its silence a stark contrast to the potential melody within.

With each step, my excitement grew.  This wasn't just a house; it was a living museum, a glimpse into the enigmatic life of my vampire neighbor.  Finally, we reached the end of a particularly long corridor, and Lee Dong Wook stopped in front of a heavy oak door.

"This," he announced, his voice low, "is my private sanctuary."

A shiver ran down my spine, a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.  His private sanctuary?  This was where he retreated, where his secrets resided.  Would he allow me, a mere human, to cross this threshold?

He seemed to read the question in my eyes, a hesitant smile gracing his lips.  "Would you like to see it?"

My heart thumped a frantic rhythm against my ribs.  Hesitation warred with an insatiable curiosity.  "Are you sure?" I finally managed, my voice barely a whisper.

He chuckled, a rich sound that sent shivers down my spine.  "Of course.  After all, you are my first visitor in…centuries."

With a flourish, he pushed the door open, revealing a room unlike any I'd ever seen.  Sunlight streamed through a large window, illuminating a vast space that served as both a bedroom and a living area.  Antique furniture sat amidst plush armchairs and modern bookshelves crammed with an eclectic mix of literature.

But what truly captivated me was the closet.  It wasn't the size, though it was undeniably large, but the contents.  As Lee Dong Wook gestured towards it, a gasp escaped my lips.

Row upon row of clothes, spanning centuries, hung in a symphony of colors and textures.  Furs from a bygone era brushed shoulders with tailored suits and silk shirts.  A collection of walking sticks stood sentinel in one corner, while a dusty top hat sat perched on a shelf.

"This…" I stammered, my voice lost for words.  "This is incredible."

Lee Dong Wook chuckled again, a hint of amusement in his eyes.  "It's a collection of…memories," he explained, his voice softer now.  "A reminder of a life lived across many eras."

He walked me through the closet, his fingers brushing against a velvet coat, lingering on a pair of intricately embroidered slippers.  As I watched him, a new understanding dawned on me.  This wasn't just a collection of clothes; it was a timeline, a tapestry woven from the threads of his immortal existence.

And for the first time, I saw a glimpse of the man beneath the vampire, the one who had haunted my thoughts and stolen my kiss.  He was a creature of solitude, yes, but also one burdened by the weight of time, a collector of memories in a world that constantly moved on.

A strange sense of empathy bloomed in my chest, a connection deeper than I could have ever imagined.  This wasn't just a tour of his mansion; it was a glimpse into his soul, and the story we were writing together was taking another unexpected turn. 


(Lee Dong wook  POV)

Eunha's wide eyes darted around my room, taking in every detail with an enthusiasm that was both endearing and unsettling.  Here, in my private sanctuary, a place untouched by the outside world, I felt strangely exposed.  Yet, the vulnerability wasn't unpleasant.  It felt…shared.

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