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(Ryu Sung Hoon POV)

All things happened very suddenly, that at first I don't get what happened. I just know that I fell from the stool and someone caught me. That 'someone' was Miho. But while catching me, she also fell and I fell one her. She, just stare at me and close her eyes, then I realised that she is having blackout and feeling dizzy. Then I supported her , so she can get up. She tries to stand up, but her body gave up. Then I supported her , so she can get up. She tries to stand up but falls back again.

"are you okay? are you hurt?" I ask, trying not to sound scared.

She opened her eyes and close them. Then she takes a deep breath. "yeah... no, I am... I am fine...". Her voice sounded weird. Than, I noticed. One of her sleeve was teared and there is a dot of blood, which is spreading. She opened her eyes, then took another breath and said again, "I am okay." She tried again with her feet on the ground and standing. It was too much for her body though. She leaned against my chest and sighed loudly. I supported her and took her outside library. I took her to drawing room and made her seat on sofa. She set on it and closed her eyes. I set next to her, close enough but far enough that I won't accidentally touch her. I go to kitchen, that old lady was still there. I tell her what happened, she listened carefully and took her phone out and called someone. She talked for few minutes then gave me the phone.

"Hello?" I asked. The person who was on other side of call was family doctor of Mr Lee. He asked me and I gave all details. He said he'll come soon to check on Miho.

'Thank you very much doctor' I said, as we hung up.

I took a deep breath and looked at Miho. She tries to not loose her consciousness. She closes her eyes and then opened it. Then, after few minutes I heard sound of car parking.


(Miho POV)

     I tried to open my eyes and not want to loose my consciousness, but it was out of my hands now. My shoulder is hurting. I think I didn't have to save him. But I can't helped it. I put my head on something, it was soft but hard like brick and smells nice. Suddenly something sting on my arm, like bee. It made me open my eyes. I noticed I was in my room. Someone familiar seating beside me. Also Professor Sung Hoon was there too.

'Can you leave the room, I want to check her injury. Though I gave her injection to reduce pain. But I still need to check, to give her proper treatment.' She  said. Then noticed that I just wake up.

"What happened emmo ?" I asked her. 

"First you answer me, why do you have to do this ?"  I just wake up and she started scolding me. Huh.

"Emmo, I acted out of intuition, and I'm regretting it. My shoulder is hurting very badly. " I sigh and answered.

Sung joon already left the room, so I removed my top, and than she checked my shoulder.

" I think you injured pretty badly, there's a cut , really big, I have to stitch it. " She take a good look and answered.

She opened her bag, and get things for stitching wound. Then she cleaned my wound, it was stinging so bad. Then she started stitching it. Oh ! did I mention my Emmo ( mom's sister) is family doctor of my step father.

" I already gave you injection of pain killer, so it will not hurt much but, when it's effect ends you have to take medicines for it and you can't talk any alcoholic drinks.

"Ok ", I nodded and answered.

"Who was that guy when you were out ?"  She inquired about professor Ryu Sung Hoon.

"He is Mr Lee 's friend, he sold that building to him, that near our house. And he is professor in my college. " I told her.

"Looks like he is interested in you." She said. I didn't answer her.

"It seems you also like him , that's why you saved him" she then added.

"Injection given by me started to show it's effects soon, you must feel sleepy, so without thinking go to sleep. I'll instruct him to what to do next." She lightly pet my head and left the room. Just as she said my eyes are getting heavy and I am suddenly feeling sleepy, so I closed my eyes.

(Sung hoon POV)

I was seating in living room, and heard sound of door. I saw Dr leaving the room and closing the door behind. She came and seat with me. I can't stop myself and ask her about Miho.

"Her wound was really bad, she got deep cut so I have to have her stitches. I also gave her injection for pain so she is sleeping now, but make sure to not left her alone. Also don't let her sleep on her back. I'm prescribing other medicines so make sure she takes them on time." She instructed me and left the house.

I went to Miho's room she was sleeping soundly. Dr put some pillows for not sleeping on her back. But I found it temporary solution. So I went to my house and completed my dinner and get changed in to night clothes. And come back again to Miho's house, and went to her room to sleep. I removed pillows and lie there so my back can support her back. She moved little but she is still sleeping soundly. I also tried to sleep there but it made me think that I'm sleeping with her.


(Miho POV)

  My alarm went off, but pain in my back make it harder for me to wake up, so I closed my eyes and again tried to sleep. But I can't. After few seconds I realised  I was not sleeping on back and someone was lying there supporting my back. I tried to move but instead of moving it cause me pain in stitches. So  groan left from my mouth. The person lying beside me moved, and made me surprised. It was professor. He wakes up from my groan and supported me too get up.

"What are you doing here, in my bed ?" I asked him.

He rubbed his eyes, and looked at me.

"Why do you have to jump like this? Look what happened", He replied.

"This was not answer of my question", I said looking at his sleepy face and messed up hair. Which make him look cute. (God what happened with me, I am finding him cute)

"After Dr left there was nobody at your home, so I thought I should stay here. And.." he left his sentence incomplete.

"And ?" I said.

"I can't left my woman alone in this situation." He gestured at my wound.

"What do you want to say, please explain" I got confused.

"I like you so much". He answered.

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