vampire next door - 2

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(Eunha POV)

My heart pounded a frantic rhythm against my ribs as I stared at the imposing mansion across the vast expanse of lawn. Lee Dong Wook, the man who had become an unwelcome mystery in my life, resided within those ancient walls. The CCTV footage had confirmed my suspicions, but it had also unearthed more questions than answers.

Confronting him directly seemed reckless, so I decided to play his game.  Tonight, I would wait for his nightly visit and meet him on my own terms.  Armed with the knowledge from the footage and a simmering mix of curiosity and apprehension, I settled in my study, the strategically placed camera providing a live feed of the balcony door.

The wait was agonizing. Every rustle of leaves, every creak of the house, sent my pulse racing.  Then, finally, a flicker of movement on the screen.  Lee Dong Wook, his face an emotionless mask under the moonlight, materialized on the balcony.  He paused for a moment, his gaze sweeping across the room, before slipping silently through the door.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through me. This was it. I grabbed a heavy book from my desk, a small measure of comfort against the unknown.  Taking a deep breath, I marched towards the study, the rhythmic thud of my heart echoing in the silence.

As I swung open the door, I found him exactly as I had seen him on the screen – perched on my chair, engrossed in one of my books.  He looked up, surprise flickering across his face before it was quickly schooled into an indifferent mask.

"Eunha," he said, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down my spine.  "What are you doing?"

I stood there, the book clutched tightly in my hand, staring at him.  Gone was the initial fear, replaced by a consuming curiosity.  "Why?" I finally managed to ask, my voice surprisingly steady.  "Why do you come here every night?"

He hesitated for a moment, his gaze unreadable.  Then, to my surprise, a flicker of something akin to sheepishness crossed his face.  "I…enjoy reading," he mumbled, avoiding my eyes.

My lips twitched.  Enjoy reading?  This man who traversed my house like a phantom was a bibliophile?  It was so absurd, yet somehow…endearing.

Deciding to humor him, I raised an eyebrow.  "Really? Because the footage seems to suggest otherwise."  I couldn't resist adding a teasing edge to my voice.

His head snapped up, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features.  Then, he sighed, a deep, weary sound.  "Alright," he conceded, his voice laced with resignation.  "There's…more to it than that."

He went on to explain the duvet incident, his voice gruff as he mumbled about catching a cold.  It was oddly sweet, almost protective.  But then came the real bombshell.

"Are you even human?" I blurted out, the question that had been burning a hole in my mind.

He stared at me for a long moment, his eyes unreadable.  Then, a slow smile spread across his face, a smile that sent a jolt through me.  It was a smile that spoke of secrets revealed, of a truth finally acknowledged.

"No, Eunha," he said, his voice dropping to a low whisper.  "I'm not."

A nervous laugh bubbled out of my throat.  Vampire.  The word echoed in my head, a relic from childhood fairytales.  But the look in his eyes, the way he moved with unnatural grace – it all clicked into place.

Suddenly, the fear returned, a cold knot forming in my stomach.  But before I could react, he spoke again.  "If you don't believe me," he said, his voice devoid of its usual stoicism, "then perhaps a demonstration is in order."

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