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A loud Cheers echoed through the hall as the cake was sliced. In the middle stood the freckles boy who freshly turned 19, eyes searching for a specific figure though out the venue.
"Felix!" A middle aged woman came to him as he was receiving greets and gifts and dragged him towards a group of three ,same age as her."This is my younger son." The woman introduced him to the group. "As always my boy topped this year as well." The woman bragged about her son, smile never leaving its place.
"Happy birthday felix!" One of them wished him.
"Thank you mrs kim" he bowed down to place a kiss on the back of her hand.
"What a gentleman! You raised such an amazing kid lina. Indeed you're one lucky mother." Mrs lee just smiled in satisfaction. "You're turning more handsome young man!" A woman is black gown stated. Felix recognizes her very well. God! Her daughter is really clingy. "I heard your elder son is making it to national level competition for basketball." She continued.
" Indeed he is! My children never failed to make me proud." The satisfaction and pride was visible through her tone. And why not? After all, being a single mother was devastating but she stood strong for her kids and now the fate is paying her back in return of what she sacrificed through her life. The woman always held a unique spark in her eyes for her children.
"Mom! Have you seen iseul?" The boy whispered in her ear quietly, demanding for the same specific figure from before.
"I don't know! I thought she was with you."
That kid holds a huge place in the heart of lee family especially this birthday boy, who named that place as 'best friends'. They always sticked together even in the most difficult times, she was there for him when the boy lost his father. She stood by him when all he recieved were crises. The feelings of friendship changed into something else for him as he grew younger. But he's too afraid to lose the friendship of twelve years.
"I'll go look for her then." He said as he walked away from the women.
A familiar ginger head crossed his way while searching for his best friend.
"Minho!" The said boy turned to look at his younger brother.
"You need something?" He asked his brother.
"Have you seen Iseul?" Felix asked?
"Iseul? Yeah we were at the food court." He replied "If you're going there, give this to her, Im'ma head out for a while." He passed him a phone. It was Iseul's. The lock screen was a picture of them both. The first day of their high school. He felt a smile creeping on his face. He made sure that his brother was gone before actually smiling.
"Here you are!" The blond boy exclaimed. There infront of him was a young pretty girl too focused on the plate infront of her.
Upon no answer from the girl, a dramatic sigh escaped his lips.
"Food over friends?"
"Hmm! Food over friends" the girl finally replied.
"Wahh! It's literally my birthday today. I'm standing here with you, ditching all the guests and you can't even give me some attention?" The boy teased her.
"You're being a baby! I've been starving since morning because I was busy arranging YOUR surprise birthday party and you are here  blaming me?" Girl teased him back. She knew his tactics well and knows how to turn the tables as well. An experience of twelve years. "Anyways! You're not ditching your guests for me. Its just your introvert self kicking in." She continued.
"E..excuse me!!" (A dramatic gasp 😩)
The boy was cut of by a ringing sound.
"Hello!" Isuel picked up the call " are you serious? Again!?" The boy curiously looked at her as if trying to hear from the other side. "Ok! We'll manage. Don't worry. Just take care of yourself." The female brunette took a long breath before putting her phone back.
"Was it Mr baek?" The boy asked.
"Yeah! Another catastrophic incident. He won't be coming home till morning." With disappointment on her face she continued " I'm really worried for him felix. Dad has been pressuring himself a lot. Especially since.... since these events of some gang turned active. I'm really worried for him."
"He will be fine Iseul. He knows what he is doing."
"You don't understand! My parents won't tell me anything but I've seen death threats in his lockers."
"How did you even managed to open them!" The looked surprised and also offended on his best friend's carelessness.
"I have my ways."
"You could have got yourself in trouble"
"No! Because that 'ways' was minho after all."
"I'm done with you both"
"Awe! Don't say that. We just happened to visit him at the same time. I had some doubts regarding this and he offered to help."
He knows how challenging Iseul is and his brother despite of being three years older than them both, have always been her crime partner. Felix always remained busy being goody two shoes. But how did they even managed to sneak into her father's office, steal his keys and also went through his stuff.
"Do you think those threats were serious" the boys asked again. Mr baek is one of the well known crime investigators. His profession is no doubt dangerous for him and his family but things never went this deep. It has been almost two years since he was given the case of this nameless gang and since then they are spreading terror among people.  Many of their workers were caught but no one could ever get to their base.
Iseul paused for a moment at the boy's question.
"Hey man! It's your birthday today. We can save this for another day." Is
She smiled at her friend. Just then a loud applause diverted their attention. All the young people were gathered in the middle and the elders giving them looks. Oh boy, it's minho leading them. Everyone knows it means chaos.
"Shall we my lady" felix offered his arm to the brunette.
"Ofcourse Mr lee!" They joked as they intewined their arms together .
"DANCE PARTY!!" were minho's last words as the whole venue turned crazy.


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