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Brownie boy:  You up?

♡:   yeah, my back is aching maaaan! 😩

Brownie boy:  lol! You looked like a drunk madman 😂. Luckily I caught it on my camera.

♡:   dare to use it against me, and I'll chop off your fingers.

Brownie boy:  I like adventure ;)

♡:   God! I ain't dancing again ㅠㅠ. Sorry lix. I'm ditching classes today. You go alone. I'm dead

Brownie boy:  haha! Don't worry I'll bake you some cookies after classes.

♡:  Brownies too!! WITH ICECREAM PLZZ!

Brownie boy:  stop being cringy.

Brownie boy:  anyways, I'll get going then.  late already   ㅠㅠ.

♡:  5 pm????

Brownie boy:  5 pm 👍🏻

♡:  a movie too.

Brownie boy :  done

♡:  I'll pick!

Brownie boy:  fine by me.


"It's difficult time honey, which is gonna end soon. Don't pressurize yourself" the middle aged woman tried to calm her husband, unaware of their young daughter eavesdropping on their conversation.

"It's serious, more than we can think. I feel like they're getting closer to me. They won't sit quite even if I back off now." A male dominant voice echoed through the room. With a tint of terror in it. afraid? That was the first thought of Iseul. It was something new for her. Her father has spent nearly his entire life on this profession. And she always admired him. He have always been a man of justice and a role model for her.

"So, you're thinking to back off now? After all your efforts?"

"You know I can't but I have a family to care for Jinhee." He paused for a second and continued. "It's not new that people are killed for standing against wrong  and I am nothing exceptional. WE are nothing exceptional...... I can't stand my daughter getting hurt because of me" his voice broke at the end. Iseul felt a pang in her heart. Why does world have to be so corrupt?

The young lady turned her heels and returned to her room. She have grown this habit of eavesdropping her parents' conversations. Not something to be proud of. But she doesn't want to believe what her parents tell her, that Everything is fine. She wants to know the truth her parents are hiding. The truth of the danger coming for them.
Poor girl, she doesn't even remembers the last time they had a quality family time together.

It all started 2 years ago when her father, Baek Yoon, was assigned a murder case. Soon after that, similar cases were notified. In the span of 4 months 32 dead bodies were found and 19 missing. The patterns of the abductions were random. The only similarity was that the found bodies were brutally beaten. Mostly their organs or body parts would be missing. Which lead to the assumption that the victims were either targeted  by human traffickers or dark web maniacs.

Or maybe both.

Recently students became the main target. The criminal is not a single person or a group of few, its a whole propaganda. It's clear through how they erase every trace of their work.

They definitely have some professionals and specialists working for them.

Mr Baek was harshly criticized for not being worthy enough for his job. Some other investigators were included in this case and he was forced to do a group work. But to this day, no improvement is made.

And now, these letters have became a new headache.

"How is your mother doing?"
"Pretty well. She's planning to visit you actually."

Iseul heard some muffled voices from downstairs which brought her back from her thoughts.

"That's good. I'm so sorry Felix I couldn't attend your birthday party yesterday. We got an emergency to attend."

"Its fine! Mrs Baek! Iseul told me already. Don't worry yourself."

"Iseul is in her room. I'll bring  some snacks for you guys."

With that footsteps were heard as they climbed up the stairs and stopped right infront of her room.

The door cracked open and a silver headed individual peaked inside. With the same smile which always brought warmth to the girl.

"I brought icecream too."


Insight ♧ Lee Felix Where stories live. Discover now