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"It's been so long since we all ate together!" Iseul commented breaking the silence. It was already night time and the baek family was having dinner together after ages. Her father surprisingly returned home early today.

"Hmm! I was feeling a little sick. "

He actually looked tired and stressed. His charismatic personality was gone.

"You should take care of yourself dad. You're always over working yourself."

"I know! So how was your day?" Mr baek tried to change the conversation.

"Well! Seonghwa came to our department today. We had to stay an extra hour because of him ."

"I expect he's doing his work efficiently. He must be exceptionally good to get promoted to the professional rank."

"I think he's doing well!" Iseul replied to her dad. In her mind seonghwa is actually an exceptionally brilliant student.

"How's felix and minho doing?"

"Haven't heard  from minho and felix.... He robbed me today ." Iseul told as she remembered the events of morning.

"Why? What happened?"

"Don't even ask! We made a bet who would reach home first. And that the loser will give any favour to the winner"

"Ooooh! Don't tell me you lost!" Her mother  teased her

" I really was winning but I tripped just a minute before."

"Did you hurt yourself?"

"Yes mom! My knee hurts a little"

"Oh my baby! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Stop babying her jinhee" mr yoon interpreted  before she could reply

"Iseul! These small injuries should not be  bothering you at all. How are you gonna pass out your training this way? You have chosen this path yourself now you have to be strong if you want to survive this world."

"Its really annoying that what you said is true"

"I know I act strict sometimes but I have to make sure you would be fine fine without me in future. I won't be here to protect you forever."

"DAD!!" She called him out in a warning manner. "Why would you say that?"

Mr yoon had some unsurety in his eyes.

"You're just so precious to me"  he whispered.

After a long pause she again broke the silence.

"I'm well prepared for intellectual examination but I'm also practicing extra for physical tournament."

Mr baek slightly looked at her.

"Don't worry about me dad. I'll grow strong I promise."

His bittersweet smile was enough to let her know that her father is still proud of her.



A notification popped up on the lady's phone who was in her bed by the time.

Brownie boy:  hi loser! 🙃

♡:   what do you want?

Brownie boy:  how are you doing loser?🙃

♡ :  It would be so nice to have a taste of your blood

Brownie boy:  uh! No thanks.

Brownie boy: I just wanted to remind you of the bet.

♡:  What can I get for your highness? A ton of icecream? A carton of coffee? Or a dozen boxes of doughnuts which you can finish in a blink of an eye?

Brownie boy:  Well I prefer all of them but no. I'm on diet.

♡: diet? Since when?

Brownie boy:  since now.

♡ :  then what do you want?

Brownie boy:  let's wait till I decide.

♡:   ok! You can take all your time to decide. I'm going to sleep because I have things to do in morning.

Brownie boy:  wait...

♡:   what??!!😭

Brownie boy:   bye :)

♡:   seriously?

Brownie boy: see you tomorrow.

♡: get lost

Insight ♧ Lee Felix Where stories live. Discover now