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Today is the start of the first day of school in my new town.

I usually don't like new schools, but I'm doing this for Mom. She needed to get out of that shit hole of a city and into some fresh air. I didn't have a choice, whether I liked it or not. Of course I don't want to be here. I had friends. But I know that this is for the best. This is for Mom.

The house was still scattered with boxes filled with crap we haven't unpacked yet, so it was a pain to get to the front door. Mom knew I was upset about the move even though I didn't mention it, so I wanted to avoid her this morning at all costs. I don't want another one of her "positive pep talks."

"Y/N?" her soft voice rang out from the kitchen as I slowly creaked open the door. "You're leaving for school already? Without saying goodbye?"

I craned my head back slightly, groaning. "Uh. Sorry, Mom. I thought you were still asleep." I lied, turning around and stepping over more boxes to get into the kitchen. There she was, leaning against the counter in a stained t-shirt and old pajama pants.

"You don't want me to make some breakfast? I've got some eggs in the fridge if you want." she offered, gesturing towards the small fridge fitted in the corner.

I shook my head, "No, thanks. I'm not that hungry."

I lied. I was starving. But it was already 7:30 and school started at 8:00 on the dot. I wasn't even completely sure how to get there in the first place. Plus, I didn't want Mom going out of her way to make me something. I'm old enough to do that myself and shes already stressed out enough from the move.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" she asked. I perked up, letting a fake smile tug on my lips. No way I was gonna risk getting a 10 minute pep talk when I was already late enough.

"Yep! Just tired, I'll see you after school." I nodded, turning on my heel and pushing past boxes. Once I made it outside, I let out a breath of relief. The relief didn't last though. My stomach jolted uncomfortably at the thought of school.

I didn't know anyone. And I'd for sure end up getting lost. My navigation and social skills aren't the best.

I focused my gaze on the sidewalk as I walked, slightly dragging my feet against the pavement. Eventually, I made it to the school. There were kids scattered out around the lawn, but my attention was attracted to one certain crowd of kids. They were all huddled together in a circle, noisily cheering at something that was in the center.

What the hell?

I approached the scene, wiggling my way around them to see what all of the chaos was. Of course. It was a fight. A boy with long black hair and a black bandana was crouching over another boy who's features I couldn't make out due to the blood.

Holy shit, this kid was absolutely pounding him into the dirt. The sight make shivers crawl down my back, and after a moment I decided I didn't want to be watching this. It was my first day, so I definitely didn't want to be getting myself involved in fist fights like this.

I trailed away, noticing that a little girl and a curly-haired boy were following me. As much as I hated socializing voluntarily, I wanted to know what was up. I slowed down my pace to walk alongside the two of them.

"What was that about? Who was that dude beating up?" I asked.

The girl looked at me, stunned. "You don't know who that was? That was Moose. He deserved it."

"I don't care." the curly-haired boy pitched in, sounding irritated.

"He's a giant asshole!" she argued, looking at him.

"I know." he shrugged.

"But last year when he made your nose bleed—.."


The girl rolled her eyes, watching the ground as she walked. "He had it coming."

"What'd he do?" I asked curiously, earning their gazes.

"Um, sorry, but who are you anyways? How did you not know who Moose was?" the boy asked, slightly looking me up and down.

"Sorry, I'm Y/N. I'm new here, so I'm not too familiar with anyone." I laughed nervously.

"Oh!" the girl smiled, "Well then I'm Gwen, and this is Finney. The guy bashing in Moose's head was Robin, he's the toughest kid in school."

Finney scoffed rudely, "Maybe the second toughest. The first is Pinball Vance Hopper. If I were you Y/N, I'd stay the hell away from him."

"Pinball?.." I asked, slightly confused.

"Yeah, everyone calls him that. Pinball Vance. Nobody can beat his high score in the Grab-N-Go. He's there every weekend to hold his title." Gwen explained as we turned the corner, heading towards the entrance of the school.

"He's a total lunatic though." Finney added, "Don't tell him I said that. He scares the shit out of me."

I rolled my eyes. "Please. I'm sure he's not that bad."

We pushed open the doors to the school, only to see a tall boy with a curly, blonde mullet slamming a kid up against a set of lockers.

"That," Gwen said, "Is Pinball Vance."

Finney shuddered at his sight, beginning to trail away from the scene. "I'm getting out of here before he fucks with me next. See you later, Y/N."

The two of them walked off, but I continued to watch what was going down with Vance. Why was he messing with that poor kid? He looked a lot smaller than him, and by the look of it, he was scared out of his pants.

"You little dipshit," Vance snarled, slamming him against the lockers again. "Stay the fuck out of my way, or next time I'll fucking beat your ass."

As much as I wanted to stand up for the kid, I couldn't help but feel a bit scared of Vance myself. I mean, the way Finney and Gwen talked about him wasn't very pleasing. Besides, I really don't want a broken nose on the first day.

I walked around them and into the noisy hallway full of kids, making my way to class.

Today was going to be a long day.

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