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        When I woke up, I couldn't see a thing. Everything was fuzzy.

I sat up, feeling around me slowly. I was sitting on a mattress in a dark, cold room with concrete walls. I could barely make out a small window with bars near the ceiling.

"Oh, your friends awake!" a raspy voice rang out. My eyes immediately traced towards The Grabber, who was standing in the doorway of the room. He wore a demonic-looking mask over his face to hide his identity.

Vance stood up from the mattress that was laid out alongside mine, immediately charging straight towards him in an attempt to escape.

The Grabber shoved him back down onto the mattress with ease. "You're too weak to try and fight me. Just stop and listen okay?" His voice was soft and friendly, but I knew better than to believe him. He was just a suck up.

"I know you want to go home." he continued gently. He was fuzzy due to my eyesight, but I could process him crouching down in front of us. I felt his eyes boring into my soul like a hungry shark. "But you're safe here. I'm not going to hurt you two anymore."

He reached out to gently caress Vance's head, but Vance slapped him away.

"Seems I did a number on your head," The Grabber laughed, "But don't worry. You'll be fine."

Vance was glaring daggers at him. He was furious. But if he tried to fight him, he'd be too weak to do any actual damage.

Without saying anything else, The Grabber slowly stood up and left the room, locking the door tight behind him. Vance immediately got up and went straight for the phone that was hung up on the wall above our mattresses.

"The fucking cords are shot," he snapped, beginning to pace around the room, searching desperately for another way to escape. His eyes immediately locked onto the window.

"You can't possibly reach that. Much less break it." I said, but he didn't listen. He looked like he was about to lose his damn mind as he jumped up, swiping angrily towards the window. No luck.

"Fuck this!" he yelled, sinking down against the wall and gripping onto his hair that was matted with blood. "We're going to die in here."

"Just calm down," I said, rubbing at my eyes in an attempt to see more clearly. "It's late, Vance. My whole body hurts and I can't see shit, so let's just go to sleep. We can try and figure out something in the morning, but right now what we need is to get our strength back."

Vance shot me a look. "The longer we wait, the higher the chances are of us dying, dumbass."

"Even if I wanted to I couldn't help, he sprayed me in the damn eyes with that crap." I retorted.

He stood up and began angrily pacing back and forth. "Just see! Just- .. Just use your fucking eyeballs and look around! It's not that hard!"

I groaned, leaning my back up against the wall
in annoyance. "I can't! That asshole basically blinded me! You need to calm down, you're not even thinking at this point."

"No, no, no," Vance growled, "You just take your ass to bed, I'm not going to give up looking for a fucking way out."

"I will." I scoffed, plopping down onto the mattress and curling my legs up to press against my chest. The majority of the night Vance was searching every single inch of that room. Every crack in the walls, every dip in the floor, he left out nothing.

I guess he eventually gave in to how tired he was, because as the sun slowly began to rise and beamed in through the window, he passed out.



I woke up, my vision a lot more clear. I looked around the room, rolling over. My heart nearly stopped at what I saw.

There, crouched right beside my mattress, was The Grabber. Half of his mask was off, revealing his eyes. He scared the shit out of me, so I immediately took the chance to punch him. He stumbled backwards, grabbing onto the exposed-half of his face and letting out a shriek.

I crawled over to the mattress Vance was sleeping on, shaking him awake out of pure fear. The Grabber stood up, mad as hell. He shot me the most satanic glare, as if he wanted to absolutely murder me.

"I was going to feed you, you ungrateful little bitch." he hissed, rubbing at his face again. Vance took a moment to process what was going on.

"Says the pathetic grown ass man who gets pleasure from taking the freedom away from kids. I don't want to hear it, you stupid fucking dick head." I snapped back. If I was going to spend the last of my days living in this assholes basement, I wasn't about to take his shit.

Vance laughed at my response, watching as The Grabber silently stood up and walked over to two trays of food laid on the ground near the door. He picked up one of them and threw it up against the wall with all of his strength.

The sound of the impact made the both of us jump.

"Have fun starving." The Grabber gently kicked the other tray towards Vance, "You, on the other hand, enjoy."

I watched with rage as he left the room. I didn't care. He deserved to hear that. And if that meant having to deal with being hungry, then fine. I got up, walking into the bathroom to try and look for ways to escape.

It was no use. All there was in this stupid room was a toilet and a barred window. As much as I wanted to give up and believe we were stuck
here, I knew I had to stay positive. I had to get out. No matter what it took.

I sighed, leaving the bathroom. My eyes fixed onto Vance, who had finished eating. He nodded down towards the tray, revealing that he only ate half and saved the rest for me.

I was stunned. I didn't know Vance was capable of being generous like that. I smiled, walking over and sitting down beside him.

"Thank you, Vance." I said, looking at him gratefully. "Really. You're so sweet for this."

His face scrunched up in disgust at my words. "Don't ever call me sweet. Just eat the damn food."

He didn't have to say that twice. I instantly began to eat, only now realizing how hungry I really was. Even though the food tasted like shit, I didn't care. I was starving.

Vance leaned back, watching the ceiling with a bored look. "Well, it sure didn't take him
long to catch us after he got Bruce. I wonder what he did to him."

My stomach jolted anxiously. "I don't even want to think about it. But at least he died quick, and wasn't trapped in this shit hole too long."

"Yeah, but what if he pissed off The Grabber
or something? And he just couldn't deal with him anymore, so he killed him? You know me, Y/N, I'm gonna hit his breaking point sooner or later. What if he kills me?" Vance continued. For the first time I could tell he was scared. I honestly didn't think I'd ever see the day that Vance Hopper would be scared.

I gently rested my hand on his, meeting eyes with him. "It's going to be okay. I'm scared too."

Vance snatched his hand away, scoffing rudely. "Shut the fuck up. I'm not scared, that cunt wad doesn't scare me. I can kill him before he even thinks about killing me. I know it."

I looked down.

"Vance, face it. We're not going to get out of here anytime soon."

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