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       The next day, Vance and I never stopped looking for more ways out.

He trailed out of the bathroom, looking at me as I tried to figure out what to do with the cord we had found.

"What if I broke into the wall with the head of the toilet?" he asked. "I noticed the bathroom wall is slightly cracked, and when I knocked it sounded pretty hollow."

I sat up quickly, smiling. "You're a fucking genius, that's a good idea. Try and be quick, though. I'm sure The Grabber will end up hearing it."

Vance turned and ran back into the bathroom, picking up the head of the toilet and banging the corner of it into the wall, slowly chipping away at it. I paced around, watching the door.

Vance had done some serious damage by the time The Grabber walked in.

"Where the hell is your friend." he snapped at me, looking around the room. Vance slowly exited the bathroom, glaring at him with an evil look.

The Grabber didn't waste a second to speed into the bathroom, catching sight of the wall. "SHIT!"

He was mad. He was absolutely raging with anger when he stepped out of the bathroom, facing Vance. "You little piece of shit!"

Vance stepped forward, clearly about to blow his top, but I grabbed his arm and held him back. "You shut the fuck up, you ugly ass cunt!"

"That's it, damn it.." The Grabber hissed lowly, looking down and beginning to take off his belt. He folded it in half, gripping it tightly with a psychotic grin under his mask.

Vance didn't show the slightest ounce of fear. He simply stood there, holding his ground as The Grabber inched closer and closer. "You think I'm scared of your sorry ass?"

The Grabber flung forward, whipping his belt at Vance. I heard the horrific sound as the belt made impact with his arm, causing Vance to let out a cry of pain.

I was panicking. I couldn't just sit here and watch Vance's ass get beat. He already has to deal with that shit enough.

I desperately grabbed the cord that was laying on the floor, charging at The Grabber and jumping on his back. I took the rope and hooked it around his throat, choking the fuck out of him. I wasn't strong at all, so I knew it wouldn't last long.

He threw me off, my back hitting the wall and knocking the air out of my lungs. Vance tackled him the moment I fell, tearing off his mask and absolutely punching the shit out of his face.

Vance was winning, so I took my chance to make
a run for it out of the basement. I raced up the staircase, flinging open the door only to see that fucking Rottweiler standing there. It bared its teeth menacingly at me, before chasing me right back into the damn basement.


I turned to see if Vance was still punching the hell out of him. But he wasn't. At this point, The Grabber had Vance pinned to the floor and was readying himself to hit him.

I dashed behind him, kicking The Grabber in the balls with all of my strength. He bent over, groaning out in pain as Vance scrambled to his feet. In that moment, I seriously thought we were about to win this. It was two against one.

That thought left my mind instantly once The Grabber swung around to face me, whipping his belt across my face with the metal end.

Oh. My. God.

The pain was absolutely indescribable. I couldn't see shit, my vision was starting to blur and I could feel blood streaming down my cheek and dripping onto the floor.

No, no, no, this couldn't be happening. He can't win. I cant give up. But I was in so much pain, I couldn't fucking stand. I sprawled out on the ground, my hand clasped over my bloody face, letting out screams of pain.

Vance was raging. I heard him angrily let out a ramble of cuss words, before launching forward and snatching away the belt. He began beating the absolute shit out of The Grabber, not hesitating for a single second.

The Grabber shoved Vance back a couple steps, and ran out. Locking the fucking door behind him.

"NO!" I heard Vance scream, kicking the door over and over again. "YOU STUPID ASS FUCKING PIECE OF WORTHLESS SHIT! YOU DAMN PUSSY!"

He whirled around to me, crouching and looking over the wound. I could tell he was freaking out. "Oh my God, this shit is bad."

He ran into the bathroom and returned with toilet paper, wiping away some of the blood that was gushing out of my face. I didn't care how much pain I was in, seeing Vance crouch over me while wiping blood off my face was hot as fuck.

I felt guilty for thinking that, considering the fact we were both on the verge of death. But damn, I couldn't help it.

He held the wad of toilet paper up to my face, telling me to keep pressing it there while he finished with the wall. I did as he said, watching him take the head of the toilet and furiously pound it into the wall.

He eventually finished, climbing into the hole and busting open the freezer that was in his way. I was astounded. How the hell did he get through that? I guess the fact that his life was on the line strengthened him.

"Get the fuck up, Y/N, let's go."

I instantly got up and ran to the hole in the wall, crawling through. The two of us approached the same door from our first escape attempt, but Vance didn't give two fucks about that lock. He busted straight through the window.

And, of course, The Grabber heard us.

Vance helped me out through the window, and we made another run for it. My vision was still blurry, but it was clearing up, so I could make out where I was going. The two of us were heading straight towards town.

After a couple minutes of us running, that stupid black van rounded the corner and came barreling after us. Shit. We were so close to town. Vance grabbed onto my hand, picking up his speed. That's when we saw it. Just a few miles ahead, was town. People were scattered about, enjoying their day and cars were driving by.

The van came to an abrupt stop, backing up almost immediately.

Vance stopped, turning around and watching the van speed away.

He held up both his middle fingers, "Welcome to the nightmare end to your pathetic little life! Todays the day, motherfucker!"

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