Chapter 1 - Clint comes home

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Wanda Barton was playing by herself, when Lila came into the room. "You alright Wanda," she asked, Wanda answered, "no, I miss daddy." Lila hugged her, and they heard the door slam, "HONEY! I'M HOME, LAURA, KIDS!" Lila looked at Wanda, "do you know whos voice that is Wanda," she asked, Wanda shook her head. Lila whispered in her ear, "it's daddy," Wanda then did her happy arms, and said, "downstairs, downstairs." Lila laughed, picking her up said,"Alright, let's go," downstairs the boys were already downstairs, Clint noticed them. "And here are my 2 girls, Lila, and Wanda." Lila said hi, but Wanda had her eyes on Clint, she did grabby hands at him, and he took her from Lila. Then Wanda noticed the team, "hi," she said, 'good girl." Clint said, kissing her head. Then she saw Nat, "AUNTIE NAT!" Nat took her from Clint, and Wanda told her, "I'm 4 years old now auntie Nat." Nat smiled, "wow, you're a big girl." Then Nat handed her back to Clint, and went with Bruce to shower. Clint went outside with Cooper, and Nathaniel, while Lila, and Wanda stayed inside, and helped Laura with dinner. While Lila helped Laura cook, Wanda helped Laura set the places on the table.Then Laura sent Lila to announce dinner, and she sat Wanda down to eat since it was almost her bedtime. When she finished, Laura took Wanda upstairs to give her a bath, and then put on her PJ'S. Downstairs Clint sat down to eat with the team, but then heard Wanda, "NO!: Then he saw her come downstairs, "Wanda," he said, "listen to mom," Wanda refused, but Laura came downstairs to get her. She took Wanda back upstairs, and Wanda wasn't happy. Laura had to scold her harshly, "Wanda, if you go downstairs again, there will be no playtime for you tomorrow." Wanda pouted, "okay mom," she said, then she went to get into bed. When Clint came up to put Lila, and Cooper to bed, Laura told him about Wanda. He went to Wanda's room to say goodnight, but also to talk to her about behaviour. "Wanda, when mommy and daddy tell you to do something, you need to do it." "Yes daddy," Wanda replied, then she rubbed her eyes, and Clint kissed her goodnight, and she fell asleep. The next morning Wanda woke up, and went to Laura's bedroom, "mommy, I need to go potty." Laura took her to the bathroom, and when they came out, Clint was in the room, "DADDY!" Wanda was excited, and Laura gave him a kiss, Then Clint told Wanda, "Wanda, daddy has to go away again." Wanda started crying, and she clung to Clint. Clint felt bad, but he knew he couldn't let the team down. He pryed her off him, and handed her to Laura, then went downstairs. Wanda was screaming, and wiggling in Laura's arms. Finally Laura put Wanda down, and she ran downstairs, found Clint, and clung to him. Clint knew he had to leave, but he couldn't bear to see Wanda like this. Then Lila came downstairs, and whispered something in Clint's ear. Clint put his bags down, and got on Wanda's height. "Wanda, I have to leave, but mommy, Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel....." "and you," Wanda said, Clint told her, "no daddy is leaving, you are staying home with mommy, Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel." Then Lila picks Wanda up, and they watch Clint walk away with the team. Wanda buries her head in Lila's shoulder, and cries. After 20 minutes, Wanda forgot that Clint left, Lila, and Cooper had gone off to school, Nathaniel just returned from school, and was playing with Wanda. Then Laura said, "kids, lets go to the park before we have to pick up Cooper, and Lila from school." Both kids got excited, Natthaniel got his tennis shoes on, and Laura put Wanda's tennis shoes on her. At the park, they ran off to play, Wanda was playing on the jungle gym. "MOMMY LOOK," Laura looked, right as Wanda lost her balance, and fell. Laura went over as Wanda got up, "I'm okay," she said, laura told her to be careful, and went to sit back down. They stayed for 15 minutes, then Laura said, "okay kids time to go get Cooper, and Lila."

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