Chapter 3 - The frst day of school for Cooper, and Lila

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"Good girl Wanda," Laura said, when they reached home, Laura told Clint what had happened. Clint decided to give Nathaniel another talk about not fighting his siblings. While he was doing that, Laura helped Wanda get her backpack together with all of her stuff. "Mommy I don't want this," Wanda said holding a box of kleenex, "Sweetie the teacher needs that, can you bring it for the teacher?" Laura could tell she was mad that she had to bring it, and told Clint, who talked to Wanda. "Wanda the teacher asked you to bring kleenex," "why?" "So people can blow their nose if they got sick, can you pelase bring the kleenex for your teacher?" Wanda nodded, and put it in her book bag. Meanwhile Cooper, and Lila were getting their bags packed, and summer work completed, as they started the next day. Nathaniel, and Wanda didn't start until Monday, but they still were excited. When Nathaniel came into the room, Laura helped him pack his bag. Then it was dinner time, after dinner, Clint sent Lila, and Cooper to bed, as they had school the next day. Nathaniel, and Wanda were allowed to stay up until 8:00. The next day, Cooper, and Lila were up bright and early, getting ready to go to the bus stop. Wanda woke up, and ran downstairs, she hugged Lila, and said, "bye Lila, I'll miss you, bye Cooper," she added, and hugged him as well. Then they left for school, and Clint came down with Nathaniel. When they all had breakfast, and the kids were playing, and chores done. Clint, and Laura took the kids to the playground, when they finished playing, they went home, and had lunch, then it was naptime for Wanda, and quiet time for Nathaniel. "Mommy why does he not have to sleep, and I do?" "Now Wanda....." Laura started. Clint interrupted Laura, and they went to talk. When they returned, Laura said, "Wanda you may play quietly with toys, or you may draw on paper." Wanda answered, "Draw on paper please mommy." Laura got her some paper, and crayons to draw, she drew a picture of the family, and it included her auntie Nat. When quiet time was over, Laura came into Wanda's room, and Wanda showed her the drawing. "Oh my goodness Wanda that's so good." Then Clint got them sitting at the table, while Laura got them a snack. After snacktime it was time to go get Cooper, and Lila. Clint helped get Wanda's shoes on, and Nathaniel started getting his on, "No Nathaniel, your staying home with daddy." Nathaniel pouted, and Laura got Wanda in the car. First they picked up Cooper, "Hey Wanda," he said, "hello Cooper,'' Wanda said. Then they went to get Lila, when Wanda saw Lila, she got so excited, "LILA, LILA!" Lila smiled, and gave her a kiss, then buckled her seatbelt. At home both Cooper, and Lila got a after school snack, then they did homework. After homework, it was dinnertime, after dinner Lila, and Cooper took showers. They got ready for bed, and Laura bathed Wanda, and Nathaniel, then Clint got Nathaniel ready for bed while Laura got Wanda ready for bed

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