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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.

{Late April, 2010}

In the universe they say what keeps all of Creation held together is the World Tree or Tree of the World is Yggdrasil. Guardian of Wisdom and Fate. It is a cosmic nebula with each branch representing the Nine Realms. Each a group of vastly distant celestial bodies that are interconnected by the cosmic nexus that is Yggdrasil, and each realm is unique for they hold different races and cultures of beings.

There is Midgard or another name for Earth home to the human mortals. Jotunheim home to the Jotuns AKA Frost Giants. Svartalfheim home to the Harudheeniksel the Dark Elves who are said to predate this current universe as they originated from Ginnungagap. The Dark Elves are presumably to be endangered or even extinct from a great war. Vanaeim is home to Vanir. Nidavellir home to the dwarves an ancient race of skilled forgers and blacksmiths. Niflheim where its region is Hel. It said the gates of Hell are filled with the screams of the dead. There is Muspelheim home to the Fire Demons and Fire Dragons, but the worst if a being known as Surtur who plays a big role in a prophecy that spells the End of Times. Next is Alfgeim home to the polar opposites of the dark elves the Light Elves.

The eight realms connected to the World Tree, but there is one that oversees the realms. Safeguarding the native races that inhabit the eight realms to ensure there is peace and not war. The ninth realm is a place of glory that one can imagine rivals Valinor from Tolkien's Legendarium. A beacon that shines hope for realms in need of their help when the peace is disrupted.

 A beacon that shines hope for realms in need of their help when the peace is disrupted

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Asgard home to the Norse pantheon the Asgardians. To Midgard they are the gods of Norse mythology but in truth like any god out there in the universe they were simple a race of extraterrestrial who possessed high levels of power that made mortals perceive them as divine beings as Asgardians while may resemble humans they possessed advanced levels of technology and magic. The Asgardians were known to be a brave and powerful race of warriors and they were hailed as one of the mightiest races in the universe that many other species respected or feared them. Asgard has had its share for adventures as it was apart of their religion they passionately thrived for towards.

From the first sight of the realm is outside at the edge of the Sea of Asgard, connected with the crystalline prismatic Rainbow Bridge is Himinbjorg. It is the means of allowing Asgardians to travel from one realm to the next via the Bifrost that uses the dimensional energy running through the Rainbow Bridge. The one to command the Bifrost and stand guard is Heimdall the All-Seeing and All-Hearing Asgardian. Gatekeeper of Asgard and Guardian of the Bifrost.

Moving close pass the Rainbow Bridge is the capital city of Asgard, flourishing with Asgardian civilians going about their daily activities as some were dancers, bartenders, or ensuring its culture to keep on going. Asgardian soldiers patrol the city to keep the peace. Towering over the city as it would be foolish to miss is the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf home to the Asgardian royal family who rule over its people. The structure was enormous that connected to all of Asgard and as is expected of royalty contains several bedrooms, chambers, or many rooms and the throne room.

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