Chapter 3

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Author's Note: I do not own any Fandoms' Content or any of its Characters that are seen or used throughout this entire story that you might recognize for they all belong to their respective owners. Any Original Plot, Original Ideas, or OC's belong to me.


Sitting in the living room together are Astrid, Amora, and Mystique watching on the news of Toni about the hearing at the US Capital in Washington, D.C. where the government were discussing about Toni's advance weapons.

"That man," Astrid points at Senator Stern. "I don't like him."

Amora sniggered. "Aye, he also seems to be annoyed by Toni." Given Toni is whispering with Pepper right in the middle of the hearing, so the Senator Stern banged with his gavel to get Toni's attention and continue with the hearing.

Mystique sneers. "This seems like a good example of corrupt and weak politics."

Both Asgardians agreed.

Stern was inquiring Toni if she is in possession of advanced weaponry, and Toni denies such an accusation and called the Iron Maiden suit a high-tech prosthesis, but Stern insisted it is a weapon.

"Seems like he is trying to pressure her." Astrid noted.

Mystique snorts in amusement. "I heard Toni has an army of lawyers. Naturally he seems to be going for that tactic."

What really made the three call on Senator Stern's BS is when he said his "priority is having the Iron Maiden suit turned over to the well-being of the people of the United States of America.

"Bullshit." Mystique calls out scornfully. "If there's one thing I've learn walking among humans is that men like him only wish to weaponize a sophisticated piece of technology like Toni has for weapons of war. Sooner or later other countries are gonna want one and I can tell you the infiltrators that would try sneaking across to steal the schematics and designs for a suit like that to even the playing fields of war."

"Surely humans cannot simply care about war at each other all the time. Are they that selfish on wishing to industrialize on weapons of mass destruction that focus on peace and equality?"

Amora gave a bitter smile. "Astrid, though the Nine Realms do have peace, Midgard is a different story as even within realms, races quarrel with one another."

"But fighting over for a piece of technology. I-I mean the suit is impressive, but to pressure someone into handing it over?" Astrid found it stupid with such a weak-minded politician. Not to mention on how corrupt a government can be.

Toni argued on how the suit is more than just a piece of technology but rather is apart of her. Embodies on who she is and purpose she created it. Turning it over would be like turning herself over to the government. She then cracks a joke on indentured servitude or prostitution, depending on which state they are in, thus earning her chuckles from the audience.

The three women giggle at her response.

Stern then responded on being "no expert", to which Toni quips on him not being an expert soon prostitution, earning more laughter from people in the room.

"Hahaha!" Oh that was a good one." Amora wipes a tear from her eyes.

The other two laughed hard, nodding their heads in agreement.

Stern didn't seem please but kept a straight face on how Toni is making him appear as a fool, which is why he makes a rebuttal by calling in an actual expert. A military weapons contractor named Justin Hammer.

Right off the bat, Toni questions on Justin's capabilities of being qualified as an "expert", to which makes the three women cock their heads when they take a closer look at Justin and speak their thoughts.

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