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October 6th, 1996. 11:46 AM

I wake up, and Billy isn't next to me. I look on my end table, a note?

"Dear y/n. I left at 10:30 because my dad was coming home today, if he didn't come home so early, you wouldn't woken up next to me <3"

With a heart. I blushed.

I called Tatum, me and her were getting close.

"Hey Tatum!"

"Hey y/n!"

"You wouldn't believe what happened last night!"

"What happened?"

"Okay, so. I got in my shower and Billy got in with me, we didn't have sex or anything but I found out he likes me. I guess you could say we're in the talking stage now. Thennnn, he took me to a park and we watched the sun set at a dock!!"

"Oh my God!! Y/n I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you!!"

"I have to go tell Sydney!"

She said, then she hung up.

Billy's house was literally super close, if I looked into his window I would be able to see him. So that's what I did.

I saw him, he was writing something on a piece of paper for me,

"Just woke up I see?"

"Yep. You guessed it, how are you and your dad?"

"He's an asshole. Later I can sneak out to see you, what do you say?" He writes to me smirking.

"Are you sure? I don't want to get you in trouble."

"Don't worry. He's passed out sleeping at 8PM every night. I'll see you later Ma'lady."

I smile, "okay! See you later!"

I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair, I skip a shower, then put on some makeup. I did my bed and picked out an outfit. I didn't know my window was still open though. I was about to take off my underwear until I got a call.


"Y/n, your window isn't closed!" Billy says

I looked at him through my window. I see him staring at me with a smirk on his face.

"Oh shit! Thank you Billy." I say then hang up.

I close my blinds In embarrassment.

I picked out a black crop top and some baggy ripped jeans with fishnet leggings in them, I put on a flannel and earrings. I put on my converse and grab my skateboard.

"I'm going for a ride!" I yell at my aunt

"Okay hun, be careful!" She yells back

"I will!"

As I walk out the door and get on my skateboard I see Billy staring at me. He winked at me, I smile and start riding my skateboard.

I didn't even know where I was going. I was just following my skateboard.

Thinking about last night proved to me that nothing could stop me and Billy. I loved him with everything I have.

I decided to go to Dunkin' Donuts to grab some breakfast.

"Hello, can I get an iced coffee and a powdered donut?"

"Yeah of course, and also." He says

"Yes?" I ask

"Can I get your number?"

"Oh uh-" I was about to say no until I hear someone wrap their arm around my neck.

"She's taken, sorry dude." Billy says with a sarcastic smile.

"Oh- uh, sorry."

"Yeah yeah." Billy adds.

I looked up at him

"I could've handled it." I said kissing his cheek.

"Ehhh, I think I did a good job protecting you."

"I appreciate it either way."

As I take my coffee I turn around and see Tatum.

"Hey Tatum." I say

"What's up y/n.. Billy?" She says with a smirk.

"I heard about last night." Tatum teases.

"Oh yeah?" He said looking at me.

"I gotta go." I leave in embarrassment.

"I'll talk to you later cutie!" Billy yells.

I get on my skateboard and ride back home.

My Romeo . || scream 1996.Where stories live. Discover now