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After I watched Nightmare on Elm street I fell asleep, I woke up at 7 AM, school was out, I was about to change to get to school until I heard my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey!" I Heard Sydney's voice

"Oh, hey sid. What's up?"

"Just to let you know, schools out."


"Another person got killed!"

"Really?! Who?"

"Some girl named Sophia, at our school."

"That sucks! I feel so bad for her parents."

"I know right. And also, Billy wanted to know if you wanted to go to the lake with us."

"Yeah sure! When and where?"

"12 pm, at the coffee shop near our school."

"Okay! I'll be there."

I hung up and checked my watch.

"7:58 am." I pretty sure my aunt is at work.

I got out of bed and took a LONG shower.
I got in at 8:05 and got out at 9:24.
Yup. That's a pretty long shower. And hour and 19 minutes. But it fine. I was at a concert in there. I got out and blow dried my hair. I put on a bikini with some white jean shorts.

I put on some sunglasses too. I grabbed a towel and sunscreen. It took me so long to blow dry my hair it was already 10:27. (Sorry im lazy)

I went downstairs and called my aunt, telling her I was going to the lake with my friends.

I made myself some cereal with strawberries. I turned on the news and saw,

"Sophia Johnson, 17 years old was murdered last night. Found hung on a tree with her guts on the ground"

That made me feel sick to my stomach. Who could do such a thing? To an innocent girl too.
People are so cruel. I hope they find who did it.

I put my bowl in the sink and then washed the dishes. It took me ten minutes.

I got a call and answered it.


"Hey y/n" Billy said.

"Oh, hey Billy! What's up?"

"Sydney told you we were going to the lake right?"

"Yeah, I'm already ready."

"Okay, cool. Should I come pick you up?"

"Yeah sure, what time is it?"

"It's 11:16."

"Holy shit! Time goes by quickly."

"I know right! I'll come and pick you up at the coffee shop."

"Okay. See you there!"

I went up to my room and put on a t-shirt and my Sandals and went out the door.

I put in my earbuds, and headed to the coffee shop.

"Hey y/n." Stu said.

"Hey guys."

"Get on my bike y/n." Billy said

"Okay." I got on his bike and held onto his waist. My hair was blowing in the wind.

When we got there I saw Billy take his shirt off, I was trying not to blush because he was looking at me. I took my shirt and shorts off, and Tatum said

"Damn hot stuff."

I wrapped my arm around her neck and we climbed up a hill to jump off of it into the water.

"Who's gonna go first?" Randy said.

"I know.." Billy said before he pushed me in.

I screamed the whole way down, after he pushed me he jumped in.

"I hate you Loomis." I said

"I love you too doll."

I smiled "you love me huh?"

"Nope. You wish." He teased as he pat my head.

Tatum jumped in with Sydney as they held hands. Stu did a huge cannon ball. All Randy did was say,

"Is there sharks?"

"Randy, it's a lake you duffus." Tatum said

"There's sharks in lakes, right?"

"No you idiot. I'm pretty sure." Sydney said.

"C'mon y/n I need to show you something." Billy said.

"What about us??" Stu said

"Don't worry, they're going somewhere to make out." Tatum teased.

I looked back at her and smiled.

Billy winked at me then turned around at Tatum and said

"She wishes."

"Nope! You wish."

"Maybe I do y/n, maybe I do!" He said

I laughed, "you're an idiot!"

We got out of the water,

"Where are you taking me? Are you going to murder me?" I teased.

"You're so dumb." He teased as he laughed.

"Where are we going?" I laughed.

"You'll see."

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