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October 23rd, 1996. 2:26 PM.

I was at school. Depressed all day. I missed my best friend so much. Tatum held me as I cried.

"Y/n doll look at me." Billy said as I cried.

"I tried to talk him out of it, I knew how much you cared about him, I knew you guys were so close and I'm sorry. You have Tatum and Sydney still."

"I miss him so much Billy." I said crying.

"I know doll. I know."

Randy used to call me doll too.

I pulled away from Billy and walked off.

"Y/n." He said as I turned around

"Meet me at the lake, I want to cheer you up."

"Okay." I said with a shakey voice.

Later that day I was crying to my aunt about Randy. I missed him so much. But i know he wants me to be happy, so I'll try. Just for my best friend.

I went upstairs to put on my bathing suit, Billy picked me up at my house on his bike.

"I have a surprise for you, to cheer you up, doll."

"Okay." I tired not to cry, Randy always called my doll. I rested my head on Billy's shoulder trying not to cry, I know Randy wants me happy.

When we got there, we went back to that flower field and he grabbed my hand and looked at me in the eyes.

"Y/n, I love you. Can I be your boyfriend?"

My smile grew.

"Of course!" I said as I jumped on him.

He kissed me on my lips.

" I love you so much Billy."

"I love you more y/n."

"Impossible." I said smiling and looking into his eyes.

"Unimpossible. If that's a word"

I laughed, "it's a word now."

He pushed me into the water, again.

"BILLY LOOOMISSSSS" I screamed as I fell into the water.

He jumped in with me.

"You're so cute when you're angry."

"Shut up!"

"You see what I mean!"

"You're suck an asshole." I said laughing.

We swam for 30 minutes then got out of the water. As he was drying his hair, he looked at me with my head I'm my knees.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah. Yeah."

"I know your sad about Randy."

I bit my lip trying not to cry.

"I should've told him what he meant to me."

My tears burned in my eyes . They were heavy.

"Don't cry baby. He's looking over you right now, he knows you love him and he knows you miss him. He wants you to live a long life and be happy. So please be happy for him, it hurts
me to see you so sad." He said comforting me.

"Thank you Billy. I appreciate you." I said as I hugged him.

My Romeo . || scream 1996.Where stories live. Discover now