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Gon POV:

We lay on our stomachs on the floor of the tree house, a big map and our phones laid out in front of us.

I smile at the boy beside me, engrossed in whatever he's reading on his phone.

He's laying so close to me our shoulders are almost touching.

A small blush heats up my cheeks and I look away. It's been almost two weeks since the kiss, well, the kiss on the cheek, I can't get ahead of myself, and I still am too nervous to do it back sometime.

Killua seemed really shy about it the next day, so we seem to have some unspoken understanding not to talk about it. It hasn't been mentioned, and we've gone on like usual.

But what does it mean? Does he...

Does he like me?

"Hey what about this one?" Killua's voice breaks me out of my reverie, "Wisteria Middle and High School! It's a boarding school, so we'd be living away from home!"

He eagerly points to a spot on the map.

I look. We're looking for junior highs for after the summer. I know Mito-san will probably just enroll me at the one in town, but it's still fun to think about.

"That's kinda far from here," I say, "How would we get there? By plane?"

"By train!" he says eagerly, "The train comes to pick up students and take them there. We would just have to get to the station, which isn't too far, and it'd take us right there. Wouldn't that be amazing?"

With what Killua's parents are like, I understand why he would want to live away from home. I would've always thought that I would miss my family too much for that, and I would miss them I know, but surprisingly, I like the idea of living away from home. It would be moving again, but this would be more like a pleasant change in scenery, and I would get to go back every year. That wouldn't change until I graduated high school. It would be a new place, but it would still be me and Killua. We could live on our own, go into this just the two of us. I think we would be ready for that.

"That would be amazing!" I say, "I like the idea of us living at school."

We grin at each other.

"I wonder if my parents would let me go," he says.

"I don't know," I say, "I wonder if my family would be able to pay for it."

"It's supposed to be one of the more affordable boarding schools it says," says Killua.

"How much is the tuition?" I ask.

He shows me the phone screen.

The price is not as bad as I expected, but still, I don't know if Mito-san would be able to pay for it. And even if she could, I don't know if her and grandma would want me living so far from home.

I like the idea though, even though I'd miss them terribly. I want to live with Killua.

"I don't know if my family would pay for that, and I don't know if either of our parents would want us to go," I say.

"Awww. Yea you're probably right," he says.

I smile at him.

"It's a nice thought,"

"Going to boarding school?"

"Yea. But also, living with you," I say.

He blushes and looks down, smiling.

Normally you'd think that would be a normal thing to say, but it feels different when it's us. Me and him.

Something about our friendship feels different. Special. I like this feeling I have for him.

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