Day 4 - Denial

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Four days left

Killua POV:

I wake up feeling empty.

This can't be happening. Why, why?

If Gon is not here, why would I stay? Maybe I should just run away.

Why would she do this? I thought Mito was on our side. But you know what, it's always the same. Adults are nothing but liars who will pretend to be on your side then stab you in the back every time. They talk down to you because they assume you're too little to understand. They say everything is 'for your own good', but in reality, they don't know what's best for you. They only want control. I will never trust adults.

I squeeze my hands into fists, gripping the sheet and bunching it up.

He can't be leaving.

He can't leave me!

I bury my face in the blanket.

This can't be happening. Things were ok just a couple days ago, what happened?

I wanna go back. I want a do-over!

No, no, no, this wasn't how it was supposed to end!

I pick up the friendship rock off my nightstand and squeeze it, the stone cold and smooth in my hand.

This isn't fair.

I stare down at the carving on the stone.

'Good friends are like stars, you can't always see them, but you always know they're there.'

Tears drip down onto the rock, going in the crevices where the letters are, making them look like little rivers.

I knew this was inevitable, I just didn't want to accept it. It's not like I would've been ready in a few more months, or a year. I was never ready.

Please not now.

I get up and open the closet, seeing my beige colored backpack I would take on trips stashed away in one corner. I could pack it up, and run away right now, never look back.

But I can't run away from the emptiness inside.

I shut the closet.

This is stupid. There's nothing I can do so I can at least give Gon a proper send off. But how? I should give him a gift. But what...

I think about it for a long time, before finally deciding.

There's a craft store in town, I'll get the supplies there.

Rlly short one today, sorry.

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