I Have a Talk With the Daughter of Love

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I sat down on my bed hard. I had teleported back to my room on Chaos' planet after Jack disappeared to avoid disintegrating campers.

"Mara?" A voice asked from my doorway. I glanced up. "Can I come in?"

I nodded. Lena came and sat next to me, and started playing with my hair.
We were silent for a while.

Then she broke the silence. "You can't scare everyone away, Mara. Sometimes it helps to talk."

I sighed. "I'm afraid to hurt people that are close to me."

Lena shook her head in exasperation. "We know the dangers of being close to you, Samara. But you're the one pushing us away."

I looked straight into her calm blue eyes. "Ever since I sent Night to Tartarus, I've become a ticking bomb. I know one day I'll blow, and the ones I love will be hurt or even killed because of me."

She held my guilty gaze. "Love will protect them. It always does."

I laughed without humor. "Are you just saying that because you're a daughter of the love goddess?"

Lena shook her head. "I say it because it's true. I sacrificed myself to save the ones I love. They won the Second Titan war."

My nose wrinkled at the thought of dying. "Do I have to die in love to protect my friends and family?"

She shrugged. "You'll know when you need to."

That wasn't much of a comfort. Then again, I've heard that sometimes Aphrodite makes no sense whatsoever when you talk to her. Her children sometimes can be like that too.

Lena giggled at my expression. "I couldn't get through that thick head of yours, could I?"

I smiled. "I got something out of it: Her children are as confusing as Aphrodite herself."

She rolled her eyes. "My mom confuses me all the time. It rubbed off."

She then pulled me into a hug, and I was temporarily reassured that those who love me know the risks and still love me anyway.


Annabeth sure loves to read. She found some of the older myths including Chaos and End, and was sitting on a bench near the sword fighting arena, where I was teaching Elise some moves.

Elise had asked Leo to make her a sword disguised as a hair clip. He proved no disappointment. I guessed his girlfriend Calypso helped with the transforming from a clip to a sword and back again part.

We took a break after Elise successfully disarmed me a couple of times.

"Sam, do you know how you were born?" Annabeth asked.

I looked at her like she told me to go kiss Jack. "No. Why would I?"


I rolled my eyes. Annabeth was trying to figure something out. She never just wonders.

Jason ran over from the basketball court. "Have you guys seen Jack? He hadn't come back since we played capture the flag a couple days ago."

Elise scowled. "That little son of a *beep-beeper* zapped himself back to his daddy to complain that he lost to a girl. And also to help brainwash Percy and make Percy End's commander."

Jason gave her a confused look. "Who's Percy? And why is Jack brainwashing him?"

Did Jason just....what? How does he not remember Percy? I switched to aura vision, and the familiar thundercloud was surrounding Jason.

Then I saw it. A flash of black light ripped through the air above camp, striking all of the campers except me. Some sort of magic End was doing on the campers to make them forget Percy, strong enough to make even the Hecate campers forget him.

I turned to Annabeth, still in aura vision. The black light ripped through the sky again, striking the campers. A tendril of that black light struck her, but as it struck her, a light pink mist shielded her, growing stronger. It was Annabeth's love for Percy.

I blinked and was met with a brief headache. After my world returned to its regular color and non-blurriness, I turned back to Jason and forced a smile. "Percy's nobody important. No, we don't know where Jack is."

Annabeth gave me a mortified look, and Jason ran back to play some more basketball.

"Nobody important?!" She raised her voice.

I scowled. "I was lying."

Elise looked at me curiously. "You saw something in your aura vision, didn't you?"

I nodded. "Do you remember who Percy is?"

Elise frowned. "Yes. Is there something causing our memories of Percy fade away?"

I sighed and explained the black light I saw and Annabeth's shield. Then I turned to Elise. "How come you aren't affected?"

She winced. "I am affected. The magic's giving me headaches, but it isn't doing anything to my memories of Percy."

Annabeth glanced around camp, her gray eyes holding a calculating stare. "This is only the beginning of End's plan."

"Then when do we get to the end?" Elise asked.

"When all of the universe is under his command." A low voice echoed through the valley.

A voice we knew all too well.

The voice of Percy Jackson.

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