The search

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"Have you seen y/n?" Elizabeth entered Julia's office, not caring to knock. "Hey? Ever heard of knocking Liz?" The older woman scoffed, irritated already. "Well anyway I'm here now." Elizabeth responded, unbothered by Julia's tone. "Yes. You're here. Now what do you want?" Julia replied, fumbling with papers on her desk, her mind a little distracted. "Y/n, have you seen her?" Elizabeth said, folding her arms impatiently. "No she was with you? You said you were watching her why weren't you watching her? How long has she been gone?" Julia began to yell, angry, panicked. "Julia relax I'm sure she's fine, we will find her." Elizabeth said, remaining calm. "FINE?! Y/n is not fine Liz, she's not fine at all." Julia shouted, slamming the papers down onto her desk, standing up and walking fiercely towards her office door. "Julia for heavens sake what are you doing?" Elizabeth sighed, completely used to the older woman's temper. "I'm going to find her." Julia growled, not stopping, searching every room of the house.

"She's not here, she left." Julia groaned, frustrated and quite frankly very worried. Elizabeth had caught up to her now, and they were both standing in one of the bedrooms. "When did you last see her?" Julia asked, turning to face Elizabeth. "Uh, she was with David I think." The woman responded, and with that Julia stormed out of the room, in search for David.

"David.. David!" Julia yelled out to him, walking over to the young boy who was sat quietly on the sofa in the lounge. "Where is y/n?" the older woman enquired, scanning the boys face. "I can't tell you! I'll lose the game!" He whined, twiddling his thumbs in his hand. "Game? What game? Look I'll make a new game.. if you tell me where y/n is you win. And you get to eat ice cream for dinner tomorrow how's that?" The older woman said, she was smart, she knew exactly how to get through to the little boy. "She left. The last time I saw her she was walking towards the cliff." He said excited, thinking about his promised ice cream. Julia looked at Elizabeth, concern overtaking her mind. "Stay here, I'm going to get her." She said, heading to the door, not bothering to grab her coat. The older woman was thinking about one thing, and one thing only. You.

Sorry this is really bad. I rushed it lol. I've had no motivation to write but I just wanted to write something idk. So have this. The next chapter will be a lot better I swear.

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