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It had been 3 months since Julia found you on the cliff side, since she saved you. When she first rescued you, she asked you, "Do you want to talk about it?" and you said no. But then she said something that almost changed you in a way, she looked into your eyes and said, "Y/n.. I think you need to talk about it." And to this day it still perplexes you why that one statement, those few words were the thing that changed you. But they were her words..

So much happened in you past, so much happened since meeting the Collins and Julia, and you finally realized you needed to talk about it. Seeing the terror in you lovers eyes as she held you on the edge of that cliff side, hearing the sadness in her voice as she cleaned your wounds after saving you, it broke you. And so you talked about it. It wasn't an easy thing to do, you had many struggles, you had many arguments with Julia, you were pushed out of your comfort zone into a state of vulnerability, but you finally let yourself fall, because you knew she'd be there to catch you. To save you, like she always did. 

Now you and Julia were stronger than ever, and you were at peace with one another. You moved out of the large and quite spooky mannor into a small cottage, where you lived comfortably with one another. And you got a cat named luna! Julia wasn't fond of the idea, but she allowed it as long as you promise you'd still do weekly therapy sessions with her after you moved out, so you did. And secretly Julia loved luna, as much as she tried to deny it, but you were happy together, your little family. 

Happy. Something you never thought you'd see. She was always so cruel to you, you often turned away from her, but now you welcomed happiness with open arms, and you cherished her. 

So as you sit on the decking of your little cottage, a mug of hot tea in your hand, you take it in, the beauty of the world you fought so desperatly to leave. You stroke luna who is curled up beside you, a ball of black fur, you chuckled at her tiny breaths as she slept. You couldn't believe it, this feeling that consumed you, so warm.

"Everything okay my love?" Julia's familiar raspy voice said, as she sat beside you, with a book in her hand, and her reading glasses sitting on the tip of her nose. God she was stunning, she glowed in the sunlight. "Yes." you sighed out, "Finally."

HEYYYYYYYYY! I hope you all enjoyed this depressing smut filled strangely comforting story. This is the final chapter as i am moving on to focus on writing my Bellatrix fanfic, and i also have a regina mills x y/n fanfic in the works. I adore you all and i thank you for reading :)

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