I promise

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Ok let's just assume that every chapter has a smut warning lol...

The next day at breakfast you were sat talking to David, but Julia was yet to join you at the table. You started to get worried but thought nothing of it, Julia was often late to breakfast as she was usually hung over from the night before.

By the time breakfast had finished you had still seen nothing of Julia, so you went to her office to see if she was in there. "Julia?" You said, giving the door a gentle knock. "Go away." You heard a sharp response from the other side of the door. "It's me.. y/n" you said quietly, you didn't want to anger her any further than she already seemed. "Oh it's you, come in love." She said, you opened the door and saw her chest deflate with a sigh of relief. "Hm i've missed you honey." She groaned, walking over to you and placing her hands on your waist. "Whats wrong Julia?" You asked, seeing right through her dominant persona. She looked at you for a moment, staring into your eyes as she always did, "nothing my love, I'm just..." she paused, looking away from you for a second, "just tired." She said, her eyes meeting with yours again. It was clear that whatever was going on, she didn't want to talk about it yet, so you didn't push.

"Well, if your tired I shall go, so you can rest.." you said with a slight smirk, teasingly pulling away from her grip. "Now now little one who said I wanted rest?" She said, quickly catching your hand, spinning you into her arms. She nuzzled her face into your neck, kissing and biting you ever so gently, the sensation made your whole body tingle. "I missed breakfast, and I'm awfully hungry.." she said, biting down on your neck hard, causing it to bleed. She delicately licked the blood up, and proceeded to kiss you, the taste of your own blood in your mouth. She pulled away from the kiss slowly, biting your bottom lip, "delicious." She hummed, moving her hands down towards the bottom of your shirt, lifting it over your head. She ran her fingers over the lace on your bra slowly, making your body heat up with anticipation.

She stepped back slowly, walking away from you, her eyes still inspecting every detail on your body. You looked at her confused for a moment, "strip." She ordered, taking a sip of whiskey from her cup that was set on her desk. And you did. Removing every item of clothing until you stood completely naked in the middle of her office, as she watched you, not saying a word. Slightly embarrassed you looked at her, "Julia..." you say, moving your hands to cover yourself as best as you can. "No, who said you could move?" She said in a low voice. You move your hands down to your side, looking away shyly. "Lay, face down." The older woman said, pointing to the sofa in her office. You obeyed quickly, your body craving her touch. "My my, so disobedient, yet so desperate for me to fuck you." She taunted, sauntering over to you, trailing her hand up your body, stopping at your ass. She gave a hard slap that made you cry out with both pain and pleasure. "Why are you in trouble?" She said, slapping you once again, making you whimper, biting your bottom lip. Another slap, "answer me little one." She demanded, circling her fingers over your ass, making your whole body wriggle, eager for her touch. "Because I covered myself." You said quietly, trying not to giggle with excitement. "Hm. And why is that wrong? Who do you belong to?" She asked, slowly turning your body so you were on your back, looking up at her face. "You." You whispered, your back arching as she moved her fingers down your body, reaching your core. "Mine." She said, plunging two fingers into you, making your muscles tense and your eyes roll back into your head. She took the thumb on her other hand and ran it across your lips, you bit her subconsciously, earning a low moan from the older woman. She continued to thrust into you at a merciless rhythm, her eyes so hungry for your touch.

She pulled herself out of you, sucking your taste off her fingers, your body still aching for her sex. "Julia please.." you whined, desperate for her to be back inside you. She smirked, taking off her own dress, you gasped as it fell to her feet. She chuckled at your reaction, crawling on top of you, bringing your bodies impossibly close together. Without thinking you moved your hand down her body, reaching her center, swirling your finger gently over her clit. "Ah-" the older woman moaned, her noises alone bringing you closer to release. "Good girl." She whispered, letting out a shaking breath. She began to copy your motions, you both moaned in unison, kissing and biting at one another. You were so close, and so was she. "When I say love, only when I say." She cried, her voice coated with sheer pleasure. Your hips jerked uncontrollably, as you tried to prolong your climax until her command. Your bodies rubbed together, only making you more desperate for release. Julia's breathy moans filled your head, and your cries of pleasure echoed through the room, much louder than her. Fucking hell, you couldn't take it any longer. It was torture. Your mind completely consumed by lust you moaned, "Julia!" "Now, now, now!" She yelled. You both finished together, you gripped onto her, pulling her even closer, feeling the heat of your sex on her body.
Julia nipped at your neck, as your body shook with desire.

"Th-thankyou." You managed to mutter, breathless and exhausted. "Your welcome pretty." She cackled, panting, just as breathless as you. You just looked at one another and laughed, you have never felt happier.

Julia's smile faded, you noticed and kissed her tenderly, "Hey," you said gently, still kissing her repeatedly. "Promise me something love, no matter what happens, you will never let go. Please never let me go." She said, tears filling her eyes. You had never seen her like this, so emotional, so vulnerable. "I promise, I'm yours remember, yours forever." You whispered, kissing her once more. "Mine" she smiled softly, burying her face into your neck, kissing you softly. You stayed like that for a while, not letting go, never letting go.

I love this sm. I love her sm.

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