Chapter 11

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Dipper's POV

Now I understand what Bill meant. We finished the tour a couple of minutes ago and Bill out of nowhere drags me somewhere. Me not knowing where we were going asked Bill questions but didn't get any response. Giving up, I just let Bill drag me wherever we're going.

Apparently, I was spaced out cause the next thing I know I was in front of Pyronica and Mr. Owen. They gave me nervous smile while I stood there trying to process what the fuck I just discovered. "Pyronica? Mr. Owen?" They both nod confirming it's them.

Ok...ok... It's ok. I'm just gonna act like everything is fine even though my ex-boss and my friend are working for the scariest yet annoying demon ever who is beside me. Yep. Everything is ok. I hear chuckling coming from the two demons in front of me. To say I was confused was an understatement. I turn my attention to Bill only to see he has an offended look on his face.

What the hell is going on? "Umm... Can anyone fill me in on what's going on..." Suddenly both demons broke out in laughter while Bill looked as if he was questioning his life choices. After their laughing fest, they both looked at me chuckling here and there. "You s-said that out loud"

I was embarrassed. I can feel my face heat up. Oh my God! I didn't think I said that out loud. That's why Bill was looking offended. "M-My bad Bill..." He still had that offended look on his face. "It's fine..." Yeah right but anyway! "You two were the last people I would've thought be demons."

They both smiled and high-fived each other. "We did an amazing job acting as humans!" Pyronica said before she had a look of realization on his face. "This fellow right here isn't Mr. Owen. His name is 8-ball. He'll be in his human Form so you won't be freaked out. Once you warm up to us and this place then we'll show you our demon form."

I nod, grateful that they considered my feelings. "Enough introduction. We have to get Pinetree here in his room so he could rest. Especially since your body was forced to stop the process due to some uninvited guest." Pyronica and 8-ball nod before bidding farewell. "When will the process start back up?"

I asked as I follow Bill to my room which turns out to be next to his. Both rooms are connected. "In about 30 minutes. I wanted you to do what you need to do to get comfortable since the process will take longer due to the abrupt stop." Bill explains. "The shower is there on the right, there next to the bathroom, and my room is over on the left. If you need anything I'll be in my room."

"Thank you, Bill... For saving me," Bill turns to face me with a soft smile on his face. "Anytime," then he left leaving me alone in the room. First I'll shower then rest for the day.

3rd POV

It's been a week since Dipper arrived at the fearamid. He was sleeping peacefully in his bed like he has been for the past week. Bill knew this was going to happen so he had everything prepared before Dipper got out of the shower. since then Bill has stayed by Dipper's side making sure nothing bad happens during the process which fortunately didn't.

Dipper was bound to wake up soon so Bill was patiently waiting till it was that time which shouldn't be long but until then he will wait patiently. While waiting, Bill examined Dipper's demon form. It was the same look Bill had when he was in Dipper's mindscape. Dipper looked more beautiful than he thought.

While in his thoughts on how beautiful Dipper is, the said male was waking up from his long sleep. He was confused as to where he was but once he faced Bill, who was still deep in his thoughts, he knew right away where he was. "Bill..." He says with a hoarse voice. Bill snapped out of his thoughts hearing the male in front of him speak.

"How are you feeling?" Bill asked gently tracing his fingers from Dipper's cheek to his chin. Dipper blinks a couple of times to stay awake. He was still tired for some reason he didn't know. He'll talk to Bill about it. "Just sleepy... Why am I so tired?" Dipper mutters tiredly. "It's because your body has adjusted to the sudden change but your brain hasn't. Your brain is trying to put you back to sleep so it can get some time to catch up.

You will only be asleep for up to five hours. Go back to sleep and let your brain catch up. I'll answer any questions later." Bill says closing Dipper's eyes with his gloved hands. That was the last straw for Dipper. He was fast asleep again. Bill chuckles before he went to prepare an outfit for Dipper.

Bill including Pyronica and 8-ball we're going to help train Dipper to defend himself and become queen of demons like Bill has wanted since Dipper was born. He knew the male was different than other humans so he planned to Mark so nobody harms him but the twins got in his way so he tricked them into a deal while he went to see Dipper in secret. Protecting him from any harm that came its way.

Of course, he waited until Dipper was eighteen to start his plan of making him his. He didn't want to make Dipper any younger than eighteen. It was a long wait but it was worth it. Bill called Pyronica and 8-ball informing them of his plan to prepare Dipper. He can't have him defenseless especially since he's a demon and soon-to-be queen.

As instructed, Pyronica and 8-ball went to get everything ready for Dipper's training. Of course, they're not going to start right away since the male has to eat. Sneaking a little human meat into his diet. Nobody is going to tell him until his diet completely changes. Definitely don't want to freak him out after he turned into a demon.

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